本文关键词: 新农村建设 公共服务 乡镇政府 服务型乡镇政府 出处:《天津大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In China, with the development of economy and society and the deepening of reform and opening up, the demand for public services in our country has been increasing after solving the problem of food and clothing. This increase is not only an increase in quantity and variety. At the same time, the demand for quality is becoming higher and higher, and the traditional government management mode has long been unable to meet these needs in a timely and high-quality manner. It has become an inevitable trend to build a service-oriented government oriented to meet the public demand. As the most basic administrative organ in China, the township government is closely linked with the vast rural areas and plays a vital role in the construction of the new countryside. It is the foundation and starting point for the construction of service-oriented township government. It is necessary to study how to transform the government at the grass-roots level into a service-oriented organization. This paper holds that the government should not too much participate in market competition as the main body, but should focus on serving the public in the jurisdiction, and gradually transfer the financial pressure to the higher government. The service function is returned to the grass-roots government, so that the township level focus on its management and service functions. Firstly, this paper reviews the literature on the construction of new countryside and service-oriented government at home and abroad, and then analyzes the theory of public goods. The new public management theory and the new public service theory are expounded to build the necessary theoretical platform for the construction of the service-oriented township government under the new rural construction background, and then the related concepts of the new rural construction and service-oriented government are introduced. Then it analyzes the challenges that our country is facing in the transformation from service-oriented township government to service-oriented township government, and analyzes the preliminary practice of constructing service-oriented township government in our country. Finally, it puts forward concrete suggestions and strategies for the construction of service-oriented township government. And has carried on the case analysis to the establishment of the service township government of Badou Town.
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