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发布时间:2018-02-14 10:48

  本文关键词: 行政监督 有效性 制度 出处:《东北师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:After many years of practice and exploration, our country has established a relatively perfect administrative supervision system, which is basically formed mainly by administrative supervision organs and supplemented by social supervision. Under the background of comprehensively deepening the reform of the administrative system and promoting the modernization of the country's governance system and governance capacity, the administrative system has been implemented in cooperation with the internal and external administrative system from the top to the bottom. How to improve the effectiveness of administrative supervision is an important issue related to the construction of a service-oriented government. The decision adopted by the fourth Plenary session of the 18 CPC Central Committee clearly states that we should "further promote administration according to law," This is the theoretical basis for promoting the construction of a service-oriented government under the market economy system. This paper first analyzes the connotation of administrative supervision and its effectiveness and the significance of enhancing the effectiveness of administrative supervision. The main problems and deep reasons of the lack of effectiveness of administrative supervision are discussed. The author starts with two aspects: theoretical and empirical. Focusing on the current situation and existing problems of administrative supervision in China, The reasons for the lack of supervision effectiveness and the countermeasures to solve it are considered. On the basis of this, the author summarizes the experience to seek a beneficial specific path for improving the effectiveness of supervision. The author mainly uses the literature analysis method and the historical analysis method from the administrative internal supervision. This paper studies several aspects such as judicial supervision and social supervision, and explores the effective methods in the supervision of public opinion and the masses in the broad sense of administrative supervision. By criticizing and drawing lessons from the ideas of western supervision and combining with the successful cases of administrative supervision in our country, Summing up the effective experience to further improve the effectiveness of administrative supervision to refine a new method and create a new system. Strengthen the supervision mechanism of multi-subject cooperation; strengthen the administrative supervision according to law; limit the power with the system; at the same time, enhance the individual comprehensive quality of the supervisory subject, strengthen the learning ability of the supervisor to keep pace with the times; By widening various channels of supervision to enable people to take full advantage of their own rights to participate in supervision; through the modernization of e-government in the new period to promote transparency of government affairs, enhance the effectiveness of administrative supervision, so as to protect the real interests of the people.


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