本文关键词: 习近平 民族工作 论述 出处:《辽宁大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In today's world, the changing international situation affects the world, relations between different ethnic groups and ethnic relations and test, a new measure of international relations. It accelerated the development of globalization, has had a profound and extensive impact on the disintegration of the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe national governance, national the problems in the Middle East intensified, a dispute between Russia and Ukraine has not yet subsided, involving a variety of ethnic sensitive issues occur frequently. In China, with the development of our socialist market economy and improve the development gap between the ethnic areas continue to expand, and the penetration of various forces overseas, domestic instability is also frequent there. As a unified multi-ethnic country in the face of complex domestic and international environment, the central government attaches great importance to China's national work, national working relationship To rule the country and chaos. The general secretary Xi Jinping on the elaboration of a series of national work, is the guide to action for China's current national work, enrich and develop Marx theory of nationalism, promotes the national theory of socialism Chinese characteristics of ethnic regions in China for a long time in Changzhi, national unity, accelerate the comprehensive well-off society the process of ethnic areas has important theoretical and practical significance to promote the construction of socialist harmonious society and Chinese dream. The introduction part mainly from the research purpose and research value, research status, research methods and innovation are described, on the basis of the discussion of Xi Jinping's major ethnic theory to carry out the ethnic work in China and the practice value. This paper mainly from the following three aspects: the first part focuses on Xi Jinping The work on the ethnic background at home and abroad about national work on the ideological origins. First, the discussion about national work at home and abroad background of Xi Jinping. From an international perspective, with the increasing speed of economic globalization, ethnic problems have become increasingly prominent, ethnic conflicts, racism, terrorism involving ethnic issues all the time will affect the relationship the global economy and international. Therefore, under the background of globalization, as a unified multi-ethnic country, must attach great importance to ethnic work in China. From the domestic perspective, since the reform and opening up, along with the imbalance of economic development and penetration of international forces, great changes have taken place in our country to carry out the national social environment. If not effectively carry out the national work, will bring great negative impact on our national unity and social stability. Secondly, from the Marx, EN Gus, Lenin, Stalin Chinese to the inheritance and development of the Marx doctrine, expounds the original thought about national work discusses Xi Jinping. The second part mainly introduces the main content of Xi Jinping on the national work and the basic characteristics. First, describes the main contents of Xi Jinping on the national work. Xi Jinping discusses on nationality work mainly from the political direction of minorities and the basic premise, the key to do the work of national minorities and the key aspects of the important discussion. Secondly, expounds the basic features of Xi Jinping to discuss national work, instant generation of science and innovation. The third part mainly expounds the theoretical value of Xi Jinping on ethnic work discussion and practical significance. Xi Jinping expounded on nationality work of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin The inheritance and development of Marxist national theory China, is thought to guide the ethnic work in China.
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