本文选题:中华民族共同体 切入点:民族政策 出处:《学术界》2017年02期
[Abstract]:Since the awakening of the Chinese nation in modern times, the sense of community of the Chinese nation has embodied the characteristics of political construction, pluralistic unity in content and inheritance in development.The national policy is an important means to construct the sense of community of the Chinese nation. In the period of "freedom" of the Chinese nation, the national policy safeguarded the "pluralistic unity" of the Chinese nation.The national policy in the period of "awakening" of the Chinese nation endows the sense of national community with the connotation of the nation-state, while the national policy in the period of "nation-state" construction of the Chinese nation is to safeguard the great family of the Chinese nation's unity and fraternity.In order to better promote the construction of the sense of the Chinese nation's community, the national policy should devote itself to the maintenance of the Chinese nation's consciousness of destiny community, economic community, political community and cultural community.The innovation of national policy in the historical era is the key to complete the consciousness of community.
【作者单位】: 延边大学马克思主义学院;
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