本文选题:三峡库区 切入点:环境管制 出处:《重庆大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The three Gorges Reservoir area is a special geographical area with frequent human activities and sensitive ecological environment due to the construction of the three Gorges Project.With the support of government policies and the implementation of the strategy of developing the western region, the social and economic development of the three Gorges Reservoir area is obviously accelerated, but at the same time the economic growth, various environmental problems are becoming increasingly prominent, including serious soil erosion, forest vegetation damage;The degradation of the ecological environment is widespread and the carrying capacity is insufficient; the environment is greatly polluted; biodiversity is threatened; geological disasters and natural disasters are frequent; and the three Gorges Project has not yet been completed.It is impossible to predict the future operation of the project and the potential environmental pollution brought to the reservoir area. How to protect the ecological environment of the three Gorges Reservoir area, and how to develop the economy of the reservoir area stably at the same time is a problem widely concerned by the society.The main body of the coordinated development of the environment and economy in the three Gorges Reservoir area is the government. Only through the government's environmental control over the three Gorges Reservoir area can the environmental pollution of the three Gorges Reservoir area be effectively controlled and the whole people's environmental protection consciousness be aroused.Only by fundamentally optimizing the allocation of social and environmental resources in the reservoir area can the sustainable development of the three Gorges Reservoir area be truly implemented.On the basis of summarizing the related research of government environmental regulation at home and abroad, this paper adopts the methods of literature analysis, theoretical analysis and empirical analysis, and comparative analysis. Firstly, the concept and externality of government environmental regulation are discussed.Public goods and government failure are expounded. Secondly, the environmental pollution situation of the three Gorges Reservoir area and the impact of the three Gorges Project on the environment of the reservoir area are deeply analyzed, and it is found that the water pollution, the domestic waste pollution and the agricultural pollution in the reservoir area are serious at present.The existing doubts in the construction of the three Gorges Project may bring new environmental problems to the reservoir area. Then, it summarizes the many defects existing in the environmental control of the three Gorges Reservoir area by our government and the causes of the defects. Thirdly,In view of the problem of government environmental control in the three Gorges Reservoir area and the advanced environmental control experience of foreign governments, it is concluded that our government still needs to attach importance to enriching the means of control and introducing market mechanisms.This paper puts forward the targeted strategy of government environmental control in the three Gorges Reservoir area, and suggests that the enthusiasm of the public participation should be aroused and the government should be assisted to regulate the three Gorges Reservoir area through the power of public participation, so as to enhance the effect of the government environmental control on the three Gorges Reservoir area.This paper takes the three Gorges Reservoir area, a fragile ecological region with complicated geographical conditions, as the research object, and tries to study the government environmental control in the three Gorges Reservoir area. In order to solve the environmental pollution problem of the three Gorges Reservoir area successfully, the defect of the government environmental control system is solved.To promote the government to implement environmental control in the reservoir area well and quickly, and also to provide reference and reference for relevant policy-making departments to formulate relevant policies.
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