本文选题:信用 + 政府信用 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The social environment that the Chinese government is facing is in the process of changing from an agricultural society to an industrial society and to an information society. As this information technology continues to develop, government reform continues to advance. As a result of comprehensive information technology development and government reform, the construction of e-government has become an important choice for governments at all levels to cope with social changes and scientific and technological progress, with the deepening of e-government construction. As the important support of its vitality and the necessity of the construction of e-government credit which can be guaranteed, the necessity and urgency of e-government credit construction are highlighted, and it is urgent to raise it to the important agenda of the country. Therefore, the connotation, attribute and meaning of e-government credit are studied. Basic issues such as models and strategies become particularly important and urgent. In essence, E-government credit is a combination of information technology credit, government credit and e-government applied credit. It is a new type of credit, which is based on the idea and method of electronic government, structure system and culture, and influences the rationality and legitimacy of electronic government and even the whole government. The construction of e-government credit can expand the scope and depth of e-government application, enhance the effectiveness of e-government, and guide the efficiency of the whole social transaction system through the e-government efficiency, and then promote the economy. Society develops well and rapidly. The logical framework of this paper is "the definition of connotation, the clarity of attributes, the deconstruction of meaning, the construction of model and the discussion of strategy". Apart from the introduction and conclusion, this paper is divided into three parts. The first part elaborates the connotation attribute of e-government credit. By collecting, sorting out and analyzing the research results of electronic government, credit and government credit, the author sums up the connotation of electronic government credit on the basis of studying the connotation of electronic government, credit and government credit. It is considered that e-government credit is based on the ability of e-government to fulfill its trust in a predictable period, and on the basis of e-government 's honoring reputation, which is a kind of pre-judgment on the management and service activities of e-government in the future. This prejudgment affects public acceptance of e-government management and service activities. In addition, on the basis of comparing and analyzing the attributes of electronic government, credit and government credit, this part discusses the inherent attribute and endowing attribute of electronic government credit. In the second part, according to the connotation and attribute of e-government credit, the meaning of e-government credit is divided into two parts: E-government 's credit standing and e-government 's ability to fulfill trust, and the two main meanings are divided into nine sub-meanings and 22 third-level meanings. On the basis of this, according to the difference of credit standing and credit ability, electronic government credit is divided into equilibrium type, weak electronic government credit, differential type, weak electronic government credit, equilibrium type. Three-level model of strong e-government credit. In the third part, aiming at improving the credit standing and the ability of carrying out trust, the author puts forward the concrete countermeasures to establish and perfect the credit of e-government.
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