本文选题:地方治理 + 大学生村官 ; 参考:《贵州财经大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The United Nations Development Agency argues that governance should be understood in three dimensions: social, political, and economic. It is applicable in all areas of human life, such as the family, towns, and the state. The main body of local governance is the state and grass-roots organizations, it is the multi-center governance with the participation of different social forces. In the history of our country, every era attaches great importance to local governance, and the national system plays a very important role in the process of rural development and change. In order to construct a new type of rural governance relationship, we should pay attention to the national power and institutional factors. In the construction of a new type of rural governance relationship, the system of college students' village officials and university students' village officials should not be ignored. The university student village official is the main force in the rural governance, but how to locate the university student's position in the rural governance, how to find the problems in the rural governance on the basis of correctly locating the university student village official, These problems have close relation with the effect of the university student village official plan. This paper expounds the background and evolution of the policy of college students' village officials, from the perspectives of multi-center governance theory and embedding theory, starting from the three angles of the state, grass-roots organizations and farmers. This paper analyzes the mechanism of university student village officials' participation in local governance, including promoting the development of rural economy, promoting the construction of rural grass-roots organizations and promoting the construction of rural spiritual civilization. Through the way of individual interview and holding forum, the author communicates with the investigation object, comprehensively and meticulously analyzes the working situation of university student village official in L town of T city, and combines the function mechanism of university student village official participating in local governance. There are three ways to participate in local governance through university students' village officials, that is, as the direct embedding of local governance by the government through university students' village officials, the promotion of local governance in the work of township government and the direct participation in local governance in administrative villages. From different angles, this paper deeply analyzes the measures of university student village officials' participation in local governance, their effectiveness and the problems arising in the process, and makes an evaluation of them. From the aspects of national, local government and university students' village officials, this paper puts forward the optimization measures of university students' village officials' participation in local governance. This paper analyzes the feasibility and necessity of the university student village official policy in rural governance, and strives to combine grass-roots organizations, countries, farmers and university students' village officials to achieve coordinated development under the overall goal of building a new socialist countryside.
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