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发布时间:2018-08-22 14:03
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the acceleration of social and economic development in China, the demand for social activities is increasing. The pedestrians in public places required by these social activities are densely distributed and have great mobility. On the basis of several-field cellular automata model, aiming at the emergency evacuation of pedestrians under emergencies, considering the peculiar psychological characteristics of pedestrians (such as panic, impulse, conformity, etc.) which are different from those under normal evacuation, the cellular automata model of pedestrian emergency evacuation under general scene, pedestrian-to-pedestrian flow and poor visibility is established. Through numerical simulation and analysis, the effects of pedestrian psychological changes on pedestrian macroscopic behavior and evacuation dynamics in three scenarios are discussed. In addition, the relevant basis for pedestrian safety emergency evacuation and building facilities planning is also proposed. An extended cost potential function field cellular automata model with behavior fluctuation effect is proposed to study the effects of the degree of tension and the proportion of people with different behavior fluctuation on pedestrian emergency evacuation under different densities. On the basis of the potential function field of pedestrian flow cost, combined with the panic and impulse behaviors of pedestrians'psychological characteristics, the quantitative formula of behavior fluctuation is introduced to reflect the behavior changes caused by pedestrian psychological tension, expand the uncomfortable degree function, and establish pedestrian emergency relief with the effect of behavior fluctuation. Cellular automata model of evacuation cost potential function field.The influence of pedestrian behavior fluctuation parameters on evacuation efficiency is studied by numerical simulation,and the typical spatio-temporal dynamic characteristics of pedestrian evacuation process are discussed.The results show that the fluctuation of pedestrian behavior caused by the degree of tension under unexpected events does not necessarily lead to evacuation compared with normal evacuation. In low density, the increase of behavior fluctuation can reduce the evacuation time and improve the evacuation efficiency, while in high density, the increase of behavior fluctuation amplitude can lead to a significant decrease in the evacuation efficiency; in evacuation population, the proportion of people affected by behavior fluctuation increases, the evacuation time increases; in addition, the size of the system on the evacuation efficiency. Secondly, the proposed cost potential function field cellular automata model with behavioral fluctuation effect is extended to study the relative pedestrian flow in the corridor in emergencies, and to explore the effects of the degree of tension, asymmetric effects of left and right pedestrians on the evolution of pedestrian movement and phase transition. A cost potential function field cellular automata model with behavioral fluctuation effect is established. Considering the influence of psychological stress on the movement characteristics of the left and right groups of pedestrians in sudden situation and the habit of pedestrians walking to the right in the passage, a relative pedestrian flow potential field model is established to simulate the emergency situation. In addition, moderate tension in emergencies delays the formation of congestion compared with normal conditions; when pedestrians are in a state of extreme tension, disordered non-line formation is observed; and the asymmetry of the ratio of two groups of pedestrians increases the transition phase to the congestion phase transition. Thirdly, considering the objective environment with limited pedestrian field of view, the visibility function is proposed, and the cost potential function field cellular automata model describing the effect of limited pedestrian field of view is established. Aiming at the objective environment with limited pedestrian visual field and considering that the cost of discomfort will increase due to the limited pedestrian visual field, this paper presents a visibility function and establishes a cellular automata model of cost potential function field under the influence of limited pedestrian visual field. The results show that the smaller the visibility radius, the lower the evacuation efficiency; the different visibility radius, the different degree of tension on the evacuation efficiency.


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