[Abstract]:How does the professional collocation of municipal party secretaries and mayors affect the economic development of local cities? do different professional backgrounds help to give full play to their skills and complement each other, or are they the causes of cognitive conflicts? This paper is based on the educational background of municipal party secretaries and mayors in China from 2000 to 2010, and uses the calibrated DMSP/OLS urban night lighting data to measure the economic development performance. The influence of official professional collocation on local economic development was examined. The results show that: (1) after controlling for other factors, the "cultural and scientific collocation" between municipal party secretaries / mayors in the major categories and the "humanities and social sciences professional collocations" within the major broad categories, "science and technology and agricultural medicine professional collocation" have significant effects on local economic development. The steady promotion effect, that is, playing a complementary function of professional skills; (2) this professional skill complementary effect exists asymmetries between city party secretaries and mayors, That is, the dominant effect of complementary professional skills is more prominent in the combination of "liberal arts secretary / mayor of science", "humanities secretary / mayor of social science" and "mayor of agriculture and medicine / science and technology". The role of medical and engineering professional background officials in promoting urban development is more obvious, followed by humanities and agronomy majors, while the effect of social science professional background officials is not significant. This study provides new empirical evidence for a better understanding of the role of leading officials in urban economic growth.
【作者单位】: 中南财经政法大学财政税务学院;武汉大学经济与管理学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金青年项目“政府投资激励政策的效应评估及优化设计:基于准自然实验与微观计量技术分析”(71503270)、“收入不平等代际传递与财政支出干预设计:评估技术及应用”(71503187) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金的资助
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