[Abstract]:From the point of view of institutional economics, counterpart support is a unique form of government investment in China. It is a mode of inter-governmental and inter-regional cooperation under the unified arrangement of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, government leading and social participation. In essence, it is a kind of poverty alleviation and cooperation initiative implemented by the central government in addition to financial support, preferential taxation, preferential policies, and other measures. While relieving the financial pressure of the central government, it also highlights the support party's ability to provide talents and technology to the recipients. Management and other non-financial support. Since 1979, when the National Frontier Defense work Conference put forward the concept of counterpart support for the first time, after nearly 40 years of vigorous promotion, this characteristic institutional mechanism of our country has been continuously issued.
【作者单位】: 北京市对口支援和经济合作工作领导小组青海玉树指挥部办公室;北京大学经济学院;
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