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发布时间:2018-10-07 21:00
[Abstract]:With the entry of the 13th Five-Year Plan, China is facing a grim new situation, the times are innovating and developing, the social structure is constantly diversifying and the government is no longer a single subject in social governance, and other subjects in social governance, such as the media and the public, are becoming diversified. The importance of coordinated governance has gradually become prominent and has laid a solid foundation for social stability. Nowadays, the positive interaction between the government and the media is particularly important. The government can enhance the level of governing ability in cooperation, and the media can use this to enhance the level of public opinion guidance, demand expression and advice, and so on. In the cooperative social governance, the relationship between the media and the government should be handled well, the two should play the most important role, and the ability of social governance should be enhanced through the establishment of a good interactive relationship. The government plays a leading role in the social cooperative governance, giving play to the multi-functions of the media, such as information release, advice and advice, early warning mechanism and supervision and warning, etc. The government should consult with the media and communicate and cooperate so as to better manage the social crisis. Nowadays, the society has entered the "Internet" era, the status of the media is particularly important, the demand for information is stronger, the right to know of social citizens is rising, and the media have more obligations and responsibilities in social cooperative governance. In order to convey the true information, the media should cooperate with the government and do the correct public opinion guidance. In addition, in the whole social crisis management, the media should record the whole process and do a good job of supervision. Therefore, in the current information age, improving the relationship between the government and the media in social cooperative governance is directly related to the effect of social crisis management and to social harmony and stability. This paper summarizes the experience of good construction of the relationship between government and media based on social cooperative governance, introduces the development course of the relationship between government and media in our country, and studies the present situation of the relationship between government and media in social cooperative governance. This paper deeply analyzes the main problems and the main reasons of the construction of the relationship between the government and the media, and tries to put forward a series of suggestions and countermeasures through the analysis of the problems and the reasons: to perfect the effective mechanism, Constructing the interactive relationship model between government and media based on social cooperative governance, establishing the interactive organization of social cooperative governance, perfecting the relevant laws, cultivating talents and raising the consciousness of cooperative governance, etc. In order to further improve the positive interaction between the government and the media, further improve the level of social governance, to maintain social harmony and stability is of great significance.


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