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发布时间:2018-10-09 08:37
【摘要】:众所周知,当今世界处于一个信息大爆炸的时代,信息的更新速度比以往任何时期都要快。在这样一个竞争愈加激烈,环境瞬息万变的时代背景下,我国面临的问题和挑战比以往任何时候都更加复杂。然而,组织和组织之间的竞争,企业和企业之间的竞争,国家和国家之间,归根结底还是知识的竞争,人才的竞争,学习力的竞争。自1956年美国佛睿思特(Jay Forrester)教授首次提出学习型组织理论后,便得到了众多学者和企业家的重视。1990年,学者彼得·圣吉(Peter M.Senge)提出具有重大影响力的学习型组织五项修炼(自我超越、心智模式、共同愿景、团队学习、系统思考),从而引发世界范围内对学习型组织理论的研究热潮,各个国家都陆续将该理论运用于政府、企业以及其他领域中。自20世纪80年代起,新加坡、日本、美国等国家先后宣布要建设学习型政府。中国十六大报告指出,我国要“形成全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会,促进人的全面发展”,这也是我国实现小康社会的奋斗目标之一。十七届四中全会上,胡锦涛提出要建设马克思主义学习型政党,从而推动中国特色社会主义伟大事业的建设。在十八大报告中,胡锦涛强调要建设学习型、服务型、创新型的马克思主义执政党,并将建设马克思主义学习型政党置立于首位。对于学习型政府建设的研究,目前国内外学者无论在广度上还是深度上,都没有达到很成熟的水平,还有很多未知和不足。国外更加偏重于学习型组织的研究,而国内则偏重于对理论概念的研究,而在构建学习型政府所面临的障碍以及如何解决的问题,这方面的研究则比较单薄。本文结合当今的时代背景、中国的传统文化以及中国国情,通过对国内外著名学者们关于学习型组织、学习型政党、学习型政府的理论进行研究和分析,并以圣吉的五项修炼作为指导,浅析了学习型政府的含义、特征,并提出了中国特色的学习型政府模式,对于建设学习型政府的意义,现在所面临的问题进行分析,并提出解决途径。建设学习型政府是一件长期的、系统性的工作,不是通过短期努力就可以达到的,虽然我国政府已经采取了相关的政策和行动,积极建设学习型政府,构建学习型社会,也有初有成效,但是由于政府组织的特殊性,建设学习型政府仍旧存在着一些障碍和问题,所以本文提出的学习型政府模型以及建设学习型政府的相关建议也只是一个阶段性的结论,我将继续关注学习型政府研究的进展与成果,在此也希望我国可以早日建成学习型政府。
[Abstract]:As we all know, the world is in an era of information explosion, the speed of information update faster than ever before. In such an era of increasingly fierce competition and rapidly changing environment, China is facing more complex problems and challenges than ever before. However, the competition between organizations and organizations, between enterprises and enterprises, and between countries and countries is, in the final analysis, the competition of knowledge, the competition of talents and the competition of learning ability. Since 1956, when Professor (Jay Forrester) first put forward the theory of learning organization, it has attracted the attention of many scholars and entrepreneurs. Peter M.Senge, a scholar, puts forward five practices (self-transcendence, mental model, shared vision, team learning, systematic thinking), which have great influence on learning organization. Various countries have applied the theory to government, enterprises and other fields. Since the 1980 s, Singapore, Japan, the United States and other countries have announced the construction of a learning government. The report of the 16th National Congress of China pointed out that our country should "form a learning-type society of learning for all and lifelong learning, and promote the all-round development of human beings", which is also one of the goals of our country to realize a well-off society. At the fourth Plenary session of the 17th CPC Central Committee, Hu Jintao proposed to build a Marxist learning party to promote the construction of the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. In the report of the 18th National Congress of the CPC, Hu Jintao stressed the need to build a learning-oriented, service-oriented and innovative Marxist ruling party, and put the construction of a Marxist learning-type party in the first place. For the study of the construction of learning-oriented government, scholars at home and abroad have not reached a very mature level in both breadth and depth, and there are still many unknown and inadequate. Foreign countries pay more attention to the study of learning-oriented organization, while domestic focus on the study of theoretical concepts, but in the construction of a learning-oriented government faced by the obstacles and how to solve the problem, this research is relatively thin. Based on the background of the times, the traditional culture and the national conditions of China, this paper studies and analyses the theories of the famous scholars at home and abroad about the learning organization, the learning political party and the learning government. Under the guidance of the five practices of Saint Ji, this paper analyzes the meaning and characteristics of the learning government, and puts forward the model of the learning government with Chinese characteristics. The significance of the construction of the learning government is analyzed, and the problems facing it are analyzed. And put forward the solution. Building a learning-oriented government is a long-term, systematic work that can not be achieved through short-term efforts, although our government has taken relevant policies and actions to actively build a learning-oriented government and build a learning-oriented society. But due to the particularity of government organization, there are still some obstacles and problems in building a learning-oriented government. Therefore, the model of learning-oriented government proposed in this paper and the relevant suggestions for building learning-oriented government are only a phased conclusion. I will continue to pay attention to the progress and achievements of the research on learning-oriented government. Here also hopes our country can build up the study type government as soon as possible.


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