[Abstract]:Before the reform and opening up to the outside world, the relationship between the central and local governments in China was mainly influenced by the circulation of administrative power between "receiving and releasing". After the reform and opening up, the starting point was the separation of powers between the central and local governments. According to the local conditions, the local governments should formulate reasonable policies to promote the local economic development under the fiscal contracting system, and play a considerable role in promoting the rapid economic growth of the whole country. However, the widespread phenomenon of "corporatization of local governments" has led to the gradual loss of state authority in local governments, which has become fragmented, and the central government has had to take back the economic and social development powers that have been delegated to local governments through a series of political means. Tax distribution reform and central bank reform are the product of the central government's "selective recentration" measures. In the 1990s, the central government strengthened the central government's ability to absorb financial resources from local governments. At the same time, the grass-roots governments lacked the financial resources to carry out the construction of social public services at the grass-roots level, resulting in a decline in the ability of local governments to govern. Grass-roots regime gradually "suspends" and above the grassroots society, which is the unexpected result of the selective centralization reform of the central government.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学国际关系学院;
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