[Abstract]:With the rapid development of our economy and the trend of globalization, the emergence of public affairs is becoming more and more frequent, and the types of public affairs are becoming more and more diversified. At the same time, the social polarization is becoming increasingly serious, and a large number of vulnerable groups exist. Relying on the strength of the state and society alone can not meet the demand, society calls for volunteers. Taking advantage of this easterly wind, voluntary activities are widely carried out throughout the country and even around the world. The existence of volunteers has brought many positive effects to our society. However, while volunteering serves the society, the participants are at risk of losing them. Specifically, it is divided into the risk of the third party damage caused by the volunteer and the risk of the volunteer's own damage. When these two kinds of risks occur, they are faced with the problem of how to judge the responsibility and how to make up for the interests of the injured person. However, based on the fact that voluntary service does not involve the inherent attribute of economic benefits, the concern and protection of volunteer rights and interests are quite lacking in practice. At the same time, because of the commonweal nature of voluntary activities, the sharing of liability for the harm caused by volunteers has become a thorny problem. In voluntary activities, risks are unavoidable. For example, in earthquake relief volunteer activities, the risk of volunteer damage is greater, when the volunteer is damaged, who should bear the responsibility-government, insurance company, volunteer service organization, or something else. This question cannot be answered in today's legal provisions. On the other hand, the quality of volunteers is uneven, motivation is not the same, we can not rule out some people with not very good motivation to participate in voluntary activities, nor can we rule out that volunteers inadvertently hurt the interests of others, So the situation in which volunteers cause damage to others in volunteer activities happens from time to time, and in this case, who is responsible-the volunteers themselves, the voluntary organizations, or what else, how to apply the Tort liability Law correctly? There is also no clear answer in the present law. To sum up, if the law does not explicitly protect the interests of volunteers and their clients and play a role in risk allocation, it will not eliminate the concerns of volunteers and clients in voluntary activities, and will probably lead them to put their hands on one's back. Prevention; When the damage occurs, due to the lack of unified legal norms, the dispute between the two sides is difficult to resolve in coordination, even in the litigation stage, how to invoke the provisions of the court is a more difficult problem. Therefore, it is urgent to perfect the laws and regulations of voluntary activities, and establish multiple mechanisms to regulate volunteer behavior, protect the rights and interests of all parties, so as to truly realize the value of the existence of voluntary activities.
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