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发布时间:2019-03-19 13:10
[Abstract]:The implementation of the power list system is aimed at offside, absence and dislocation of the government in our country. In order to effectively change the functions of the government, straighten out the relationship between the government and the market, the government and the society, and promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, And an important institutional innovation. Anhui Province took the lead in exploring the construction of the power list system, focusing on streamlining administration and delegating power, systematically promoting the list of powers, the list of responsibilities, the negative list, the system construction of the list of charges for enterprises, and scientifically constructing the operating platform of the list of powers. Has obtained the initial result, has become the national power list system construction one of the typical examples. However, we should also see that the power list system is still in the exploration stage, there are still some outstanding problems in the promotion work, in-depth promotion still needs to be difficult to move forward and forward-looking planning. First of all, this paper briefly introduces the significance of the times and the definition of the implementation of the power list system, and deeply studies the theoretical basis, social background and practical conditions of the construction of the power list system. Then it reviews the practices and results of the implementation of the power list system in Anhui Province, and summarizes Anhui's top-level design, which is strongly promoted from the top to the bottom, and the construction of the four "lists" at the same time. Based on the experience of establishing a unified power list operating platform, this paper deeply analyzes the legitimacy and rationality of Anhui Province's power list construction, the restrictive factors of the implementation subject and the external environment, etc., and combs the United States. Singapore's successful experience in optimizing government governance and power operation, compares the characteristics of the implementation of the power list system in Shanghai and Zhejiang, and finally advances the construction of the power list system in Anhui Province in depth, and puts forward the power list system in accordance with the law. In-depth promotion of the reform of the administrative management system, the use of modern information and management technology to optimize the power operation system, improve the supervision mechanism of administrative power, improve the operating environment of the power list system and other countermeasures. Based on the brand-new practice of the construction of the power list system in Anhui Province, this paper aims to summarize the basic laws and experiences of the implementation of the power list system by dissecting the work in Anhui Province. This paper points out the outstanding problems and the direction of effort in the construction of the power list, and puts forward a solution for further promoting the construction of the power list system, thus promoting the transformation of the government's functions and the modernization of the government's governance system and capacity.


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