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发布时间:2019-06-12 08:03
[Abstract]:With the advent of the information age, the traditional social science community management limits its development, and is facing opportunities and challenges in the process of community development. Social science associations play a leading role in academia, how to maximize the advantages of social science associations. Through the integration of resources, the new social capital plays a role, with the help of new media, social networks and other influence to form a team-like research. The network is regarded as a kind of communication and communication platform for the community in the academic field, so that the government, enterprises, colleges and universities can participate in it and provide it with a kind of senior political service. Based on the analysis of the restrictive factors affecting the development of social science associations in Heilongjiang Province, this paper probes into the causes of their emergence. Combined with the relevant data and data in the academic association department of Heilongjiang Federation of Social Science. From the perspective of sociology, this paper discusses the management and development of Heilongjiang social science associations, puts forward some suggestions on the advantages of Heilongjiang's unique resources and the development of social science associations, and puts forward some concrete measures for the management and development of social science associations in order to transform Heilongjiang social science associations into "think tank" associations. Think tank community is the development direction of this paper in the future, and it is also the innovation of this paper. In order to enhance the Heilongjiang community system, comprehensive study of the ability to provide a research platform, to promote the diversified development of associations.


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