发布时间:2021-12-18 06:17
近几十年来,商业界已经意识到两种长期的强大趋势正在融合:经济活动的主体内容正在从商品转向服务,电子网络和信息技术经济也在迅速发展。这一发展表示社会进入“电子服务”时代。由于电子政务服务的出现,科学家和研究人员想要了解电子服务是如何影响公民生活、满意度和服务质量机会以及这些知识如何更好地应用于电子服务的技术框架中。本研究旨在探讨影响巴基斯坦公民及海外巴基斯坦公民使用电子政府服务的因素。本研究采用问卷调查的方式搜集数据,调查对象包括巴基斯坦人民、居住在中国和土耳其的巴基斯坦公民。该问卷是根据已发表的研究设计的,由现有的测量量表组成,以前的研究已经对量表进行了描述分析。论文采用结构方程模型(SEM)进行定量研究,在此基础上进行了进一步的研究,并在此基础上讨论了影响因素。问卷调查分析了性别、就业部门、年龄、电子政务经验、教育程度、电子政务使用等因素。结果表明,年龄组为20岁以下(8.3%),21-30 岁(37%),31-40 岁(30.23%),41-50 岁(17.53%),50 岁以上(6.6%),表明平均年龄组有使用电子政务服务的动机。性别调查结果显示,80%的男性和20%的女性打算使...
【文章来源】:中国科学技术大学安徽省 211工程院校 985工程院校
【文章页数】:164 页
List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1. Background of the problem
1.1.1. Purpose of study
1.1.2. Background of e-Government
1.1.3. Importance of e-Government
1.1.4. E-Government service based on the level of countries
1.2. Research Content
1.3. Research method/objective
1.4. Innovation point of the research
Chapter 2: Literature Review
2.1. Introduction
2.1.1. Nomenclature of E-Government Definitions
2.1.2. Role of ICT in the context of e-Government
2.2. E-Government in the world
2.2.1. E-Government in Pakistan
2.2.2. Objective of E-Government
2.3. Why the adoption of e-Government is necessary in developing countries
Chapter 3: Theory and Hypothesis
3.1. Factor affecting the adoption of e-government
3.1.1. ICT Challenges
3.1.2. E-Government Policy,Law, Infrastructure
3.1.3. E-Government Policy
3.1.4. E-Government Law
3.2. Hypothesis proposed in the study
3.2.1. Public value
3.2.2. Effort Expectancy
3.2.3. Performance Expectancy
3.2.4. Attitude and Behavioral Intentions
3.2.5. Moderating effect of e-Government Trust
3.3. Research Questions
3.4. Summary
Chapter 4: Data and Method
4.1. Research Strategy
4.1.1. Research Philosophical Paradigm
4.1.2. Execution of Data Gathering, Theoretical Part
4.1.3. Pakistan as Defining the Target Population
4.2. Research Design
4.2.1. Developing a Case Study
4.2.2. Theoretical framework and research Model
4.3. Quantitative Research
Chapter 5: Analysis and Results
5.1. Introduction
5.1.1. Importance of Data Analysis
5.1.2. Respondent Characteristics
5.1.3. Adopters and Non-Adopters e-Government
5.1.4. Citizenship
5.2. Instrument Validation and regression analysis
5.2.1. Construct Validity
5.2.2. Reliability
5.2.3. Ethical Considerations
5.3. Process of Data Analysis
5.3.1. Samples-Size Considerations
5.3.2. Common Variance Method (CVM)
5.3.3. Factor Analysis
5.3.4. Exploratory Factor Analysis
5.4. Preliminary Analysis (EFA) and regression analysis
Chapter 6: Conclusion and Discussion
6.1. Discussion of Survey findings
6.2. Conclusion
6.3. Limitation and challenges to adaptation of e-Government
6.4. Direction for Future Work
6.5. Recommendations
Academic Articles and Research Outcomes in Studv Period
Publications as a co-author
【文章来源】:中国科学技术大学安徽省 211工程院校 985工程院校
【文章页数】:164 页
List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1. Background of the problem
1.1.1. Purpose of study
1.1.2. Background of e-Government
1.1.3. Importance of e-Government
1.1.4. E-Government service based on the level of countries
1.2. Research Content
1.3. Research method/objective
1.4. Innovation point of the research
Chapter 2: Literature Review
2.1. Introduction
2.1.1. Nomenclature of E-Government Definitions
2.1.2. Role of ICT in the context of e-Government
2.2. E-Government in the world
2.2.1. E-Government in Pakistan
2.2.2. Objective of E-Government
2.3. Why the adoption of e-Government is necessary in developing countries
Chapter 3: Theory and Hypothesis
3.1. Factor affecting the adoption of e-government
3.1.1. ICT Challenges
3.1.2. E-Government Policy,Law, Infrastructure
3.1.3. E-Government Policy
3.1.4. E-Government Law
3.2. Hypothesis proposed in the study
3.2.1. Public value
3.2.2. Effort Expectancy
3.2.3. Performance Expectancy
3.2.4. Attitude and Behavioral Intentions
3.2.5. Moderating effect of e-Government Trust
3.3. Research Questions
3.4. Summary
Chapter 4: Data and Method
4.1. Research Strategy
4.1.1. Research Philosophical Paradigm
4.1.2. Execution of Data Gathering, Theoretical Part
4.1.3. Pakistan as Defining the Target Population
4.2. Research Design
4.2.1. Developing a Case Study
4.2.2. Theoretical framework and research Model
4.3. Quantitative Research
Chapter 5: Analysis and Results
5.1. Introduction
5.1.1. Importance of Data Analysis
5.1.2. Respondent Characteristics
5.1.3. Adopters and Non-Adopters e-Government
5.1.4. Citizenship
5.2. Instrument Validation and regression analysis
5.2.1. Construct Validity
5.2.2. Reliability
5.2.3. Ethical Considerations
5.3. Process of Data Analysis
5.3.1. Samples-Size Considerations
5.3.2. Common Variance Method (CVM)
5.3.3. Factor Analysis
5.3.4. Exploratory Factor Analysis
5.4. Preliminary Analysis (EFA) and regression analysis
Chapter 6: Conclusion and Discussion
6.1. Discussion of Survey findings
6.2. Conclusion
6.3. Limitation and challenges to adaptation of e-Government
6.4. Direction for Future Work
6.5. Recommendations
Academic Articles and Research Outcomes in Studv Period
Publications as a co-author