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发布时间:2017-12-26 23:11

  本文关键词:纳斯鲍姆人文教育思想研究 出处:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 纳斯鲍姆 人文教育 世界公民

【摘要】:玛莎·纳斯鲍姆(Martha Craven Nussbaum,1947—),美国当代著名女哲学家、公共知识分子,也是当代“新斯多葛学派”代表人物。纳斯鲍姆研究领域极其广泛,涉及古典文学、政治哲学、伦理学、法学、女性主义研究、文化教育理论研究等多个方面,其著作《善的脆弱性》《诗性正义》《培养人性》《告别功利》在国内外学术界都产生了很大的影响。纳斯鲍姆曾先后任教于哈佛大学、布朗大学等著名高校,现任芝加哥大学法学院和哲学系合聘的弗伦德法律与伦理杰出贡献教授。丰富的任教经历和对社会教育事业的深切关心让她站在时代的高度审视美国高等教育发展现状,针对现行教育的弊端给予抨击,其人文教育思想正是在这样的背景下形成的。纳斯鲍姆首先对大行其道的功利教育进行了批判,指出功利教育单纯以培养学生经济生产力为目标、不断削减人文学科发展空间的做法正在对民主社会的发展构成严重的威胁。在此基础上,纳斯鲍姆进一步提出人文教育的目标应该是培养负责任的世界公民,他们应该具备敢于质疑和反思的能力、将自己视为普遍联系着的世界一份子的意识和对不同文化背景的群体的同情心和换位思考的能力。合格的世界公民对于维护民主社会的健康发展、解决复杂的全球性问题至关重要。要完成世界公民的培养,需要从课程内容上入手。在课程设置方面,纳斯鲍姆强调高等教育课程应包括文学和艺术课程、哲学课程和多元文化课程三方面,以此确保人文教育的三大核心价值得到传承。此外,纳斯鲍姆还结合自己的调查,对于这些课程该如何开展进行了论述。纳斯鲍姆的人文教育思想紧扣美国高等教育发展的实际,对于美国高等教育改革和重建有着深远的影响。对于积极推进一流大学建设和加强本科教育人才培养模式改革的中国大学,纳斯鲍姆的人文教育思想提供了宝贵的经验和深刻的启示。
[Abstract]:Martha Nussbaum (Martha Craven Nussbaum, 1947), a famous contemporary American philosopher, public intellectual, but also the contemporary "new stoicism" representative. Jonas Baum research field is extremely wide, involving many aspects of classical literature, political philosophy, ethics, law, feminist studies, culture and education theory research, the works of "good" vulnerability "poetic justice" "culture" "human nature" farewell to utilitarian academic circles at home and abroad have a great influence. Jonas Baum has taught at Harvard University, Brown University and other famous universities, Professor of law and ethics of friend, outstanding contribution to law school at the University of Chicago and the Department of philosophy and appointment. Rich teaching experience and deep concern for social education career, let her stand in the era of high inspection of the development of higher education in the United States, aiming at the drawbacks of current education, and its humanistic education thought is formed under such background. Baum criticized the utilitarian education which was popular in the first place. He pointed out that utilitarian education, which aims to cultivate students' economic productivity and continuously cut down the development space of humanities, is a serious threat to the development of democratic society. On this basis, Jonas Baum put forward the humanistic education goal should be to develop responsible citizens of the world, they should have the courage to question and reflect the capabilities with compassion and empathy itself as a common contact with a part of the world of consciousness and different cultural background of the group. Qualified citizens of the world are crucial to the maintenance of the healthy development of the democratic society and the solution of the complex global problems. In order to complete the cultivation of the citizens of the world, it is necessary to start with the content of the curriculum. In terms of curriculum, Nussbaum emphasized that three aspects of higher education curriculum should include literature and art courses, philosophy courses and multicultural courses, so as to ensure the three core values of humanistic education have been passed down. In addition, NAS Baum also combines his own investigation to discuss how these courses should be carried out. NAS Baum's humanistic education thought closely related to the reality of the development of American higher education, and had a profound influence on the reform and reconstruction of higher education in the United States. It provides valuable experience and profound inspiration for Baum's humanistic education thought in China's universities.


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3 保罗·科埃略;孙开元;;救命的鱼[J];小学教学研究;2012年09期

4 ;宁死不给[J];中学生英语(高中版);2003年11期

5 李婷;;哈纳斯之行[J];作文世界(小学版);2003年06期

6 ;热烈祝贺西藏登山探险队登上马纳斯卢峰[J];西藏体育;1996年03期

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8 威廉·勃特勒·叶芝 ,袁可嘉;茵纳斯弗利岛[J];语文世界(高中版);2004年11期

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10 王红军;美丽的哈纳斯[J];学生之友(小学版B);2005年Z1期

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5 华军;哈纳斯:峡谷之湖[N];检察日报;2001年

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4 张引弘;基于功能对等理论的哲学文本翻译[D];南京大学;2017年

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7 马勇;萨利纳斯政府时期墨美关系考察[D];福建师范大学;2009年

8 刘超然;“万维网之父”蒂姆·伯纳斯·李的科学家精神[D];重庆大学;2014年




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