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发布时间:2018-01-17 16:17

  本文关键词:翻转课堂及其实施研究 出处:《辽宁师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 翻转课堂 实施 探索

[Abstract]:With the further development of educational informatization, the deep reform of teaching method and teacher-student relationship is promoted, and the appearance of flipping classroom provides a new angle and direction for teaching reform. Learning in class and homework in exchange, that is, students through micro-video and other resources to self-set the pace of learning, the class completed in-depth practice. Carrying out inquiry and creative learning activities. Flipping classroom is not only through micro-video and other technical means to achieve the flipping of teaching structure, from "learning in class practice" to "research in pre-class self-study class". It is also the reversal of teaching concept, from focusing on teachers' teaching to focusing on students' learning, thus forming a learner-centered learning style. The flipping classroom has been formed since the beginning of its formation, especially after the successful implementation of the flipping classroom in the United States. By many scholars and teachers at home and abroad research and practical exploration. The introduction and implementation of flipping classroom is the improvement of traditional teaching in our country to inject fresh blood. This study through the domestic and foreign overturn classroom research summary found that the foreign practice research is more than the theoretical research. Domestic theoretical research is more than practical research, and for the new teaching ideas and methods, it is more important to grasp its precision and practical exploration. This leads to the creation of the implementation of the reverse classroom research. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part is the question, the specific introduction of the background of the topic, the reason, the theory of the flipping classroom, practical significance and research methods. This paper introduces the current research situation of flipping classroom at home and abroad, and reviews it accordingly. Finally, it interprets the concept of flipping classroom. The second part is the flipping classroom and its theoretical basis, specifically define the connotation of the flipping classroom and explore its essence, and then further explain the theoretical basis of the flipping classroom; The third part is the implementation of the flipping classroom, first from the teachers, students and before class, the two angles of the implementation of the reverse classroom flow, followed by the introduction of the domestic and foreign model of the implementation of the flipping classroom. Finally, the typical case of American woodland high school is cited to analyze the concrete implementation process of flipping classroom. Part 4th is the review and prospect of the implementation of flipping classroom in our country. Firstly, it introduces the theory and practice of the implementation of flipping classroom in our country. Then, the problems exposed in flip classroom are reviewed and constructive suggestions and prospects for the future are put forward.


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