[Abstract]:Lu Xun summed up the two cultures accepted in the process of growing up with "hundred grass gardens" and "Sanwei Book House", and exposed the "cultural authority" nature of the orthodox education of "San Wei Book House" and its drawbacks. Expressed the praise to "hundred grass garden" this comprehensive development lives in the music school. Life in Baicaoyuan has strengthened Lu Xun's artistic aesthetics, expanded his cultural field of vision and thinking space, made him absorb anti-feudal resources from non-mainstream culture, and gained personality freedom and ideological emancipation. This is an important factor for Lu Xun to become a litterateur and thinker. Lu Xun has hit the key point of traditional education from the height of breaking up cultural authority, at the same time, it has inspired us to reflect on the educational idea and mode which is becoming increasingly utilitarian and standardized, and has provided the correct guidance for the educational reform and development.
【作者单位】: 陕西学前师范学院中文系;
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