本文关键词:基于乡土环境教育的初中生物校本课程开发与实践研究 出处:《天津师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:This study is based on the analysis of a large number of school-based curriculum development at home and abroad and local environmental education in China on the relevant information. Firstly, the characteristics and advantages of biology, relying on local abundant curriculum resources, the development of education environment and local school-based teaching materials, curriculum implementation based on students' biology school-based curriculum class seven grade the teaching materials. In the process of curriculum implementation in outdoor teaching activity, into the local education and the idea of environmental education, in order to enhance the children in the city and natural intimacy, and step by step, imperceptibly to cultivate and improve the students' environmental awareness, to enable students to pay attention to and interested in biology learning in this study. For the first time in grade seven class of school-based curriculum in Tianjin Binhai New Area of Dagang middle school second, mainly adopts the action research method and survey method. Through the comparative analysis. The questionnaire before and after the test data, the implementation of school-based curriculum to explore local environmental education of biology in junior high school stage could enhance the intimacy of children and nature in the city, is to train students' environmental consciousness has the effect of promoting the learning situation and subject matter. For students by using SPSS18.0 software, analyzes the differences, affecting the implementation of exploration local environmental education of biology in junior high school stage to the students' interest in learning. The results show that: in the implementation of local environmental education biology school-based curriculum, school-based curriculum classes of students with natural intimacy, the use of electronic products and network to increase students to participate in outdoor activities time and students' time was not obvious, but has a positive impact on a series of problems related to "nature deficit disorder". In environmental awareness, environmental knowledge on students' growth Have a very effective role on students' attitudes toward environmental problems and the degree of concern has good corrective effect and promote the role, has a strong guiding significance for the practice of environmental behavior of students in daily life. In biological learning, the students pay more attention to biological learning and promotion can promote interest in learning.
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