发布时间:2018-01-05 20:07
本文关键词:流行文化视野下高中生价值观问题及其教育对策研究 出处:《鲁东大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:高中是人生发展的重要阶段,也是价值观形成的关键时期。影响高中生价值观形成的因素有很多,其中,流行文化不容忽视。在高中校园,,作为文化重要组成部分的流行文化形式多样、包容甚广,已经成为学生身边俯拾即是的文本、话语、物品,渗入他们生活的每一个细节,浇铸着他们的生活模式。它潜移默化地影响着高中生的生活方式和价值观念,在给学生提供精神给养的同时也对他们的价值观形成带来一定的负面影响。 可以看到,在当前社会环境下,高中生的价值观出现了不少新的问题,这些问题的出现,自然与高中生自身的不成熟性因素有关,但在很大程度上却是当下文化环境的“产物”——流行文化难辞其咎。以充斥在高中生生活中并为他们所喜闻乐见的流行文化来反观他们的价值观现状,不失为一个可行的探求路径,或许能为当前高中生的价值观教育困境找到一些出路。 本文就“流行文化视野下高中生价值观现状”这一课题进行了探讨,在研读相关文献的基础上,通过问卷调查和访谈相结合的方式对烟台市三所高中进行课题的相关调查,找出高中生价值观中存在的问题,并在流行文化的视野下剖析问题及成因,最后从问题和原因出发提出相应的对策。具体来说,本文的主体包括以下四个部分。 第一部分,对高中生的价值观现状进行调查,根据调查结果,分析高中生价值观中存在的问题。这些问题集中表现在以下方面:在爱国观上,学生对传统爱国观的内化程度不高,虽然具有一定的爱国主义意识和民族荣誉感,但出现了爱国情感淡漠、爱国意识异化、爱国行为盲目等问题;在法治观上,认同法律的威严却不认同其公正性,知法而不一定守法,对社会主义法治观仍存在不少困惑;在生命观上,对生命和人生的意义缺乏深入思考,出现了生命情感失落、生命价值选择的困惑等问题;在道德观的调查中,出现了道德认知与道德实践脱节,道德自觉性与道德责任感缺失,道德标准与选择的多元化等问题。 第二部分,对流行文化在高中校园的表现形式及其所蕴含的价值观进行分析,结合第一部分的调查结果,着重分析了流行文化视野下高中生价值观问题的表现,以试图找到流行文化与高中生价值观中问题的契合点。 第三部分,主要分析了流行文化视野下高中生价值观问题的原因,这些原因可归纳为三个方面:首先是大众传媒影响下的价值震荡;其次是学校价值观教育的低效;再次是家庭价值观教育的“隐身”。 第四部分,针对当前高中生价值观教育中存在的问题及原因,就如何对高中生进行正确价值观引领展开路径探索,提出了正视流行文化,加强对高中生群体素质的培养、重视对流行文化的价值观教育资源开发、关注家庭在高中生价值观教育中的作用等三个方面的教育对策。
[Abstract]:High school is the important stage of life development and the key period of value formation . There are many factors that influence the formation of high school students ' values . It can be seen that in the current social environment , the values of high school students have many new problems . These problems are related to the immaturity factors of high school students themselves , but in a large part , the " product " of cultural environment is hard to blame . It is not only a feasible exploration path , but also can find some way out for the current high school students ' values education predicament . This paper discusses the current situation of high school students ' values in the field of popular culture . On the basis of studying the relevant documents , this paper analyzes the problems existing in the high school students ' values through questionnaires and interviews , and analyzes the problems and causes in the field of pop culture . Finally , the corresponding countermeasures are put forward from the problems and reasons . In the first part , the present situation of the high school students ' values is investigated . On the basis of the survey results , the problems existing in high school students ' values are analyzed . The second part analyzes the expression of popular culture in high school campus and the values contained in it , combines the findings of the first part , analyses the expression of high school students ' values in the field of popular culture , and tries to find the fit point for the problems in popular culture and high school students ' values . The third part mainly analyzes the causes of high school students ' values in the field of popular culture , which can be summed up into three aspects : first , the value shocks under the influence of mass media ; secondly , the low efficiency of school values education ; and again the " stealth " of family values education . The fourth part , aiming at the problems and causes of the current high school students ' values education , how to lead the path exploration to the correct values of high school students , put forward the positive and visual popular culture , strengthen the cultivation of the quality of the high school students , attach importance to the development of the values education resources of the popular culture , pay close attention to the family ' s role in the high school students ' values education and so on .
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