发布时间:2018-01-10 06:24
本文关键词:基于学生学习风格的高中英语阅读策略培训个案研究 出处:《杭州师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:一直以来,人们都认为学好一门外语关键在于找到合适的教学方法和编写出优秀的教材。因此,人们都在努力地寻找能适用于一切环境、奏效于各种不同类型学生的理想教学方法,并希望编写出能达到这个目的的理想教材。人们的研究也取得了很大的成果,各类教学方法推陈出新,各类教材琳琅满目。但是,同一个教师在使用同一种教材、应用同一种教学方法去教授同一个班级的学生时都会出现不同的教学效果。有些学生学习成绩较好,有些学生的成绩却不尽如人意。究其原因,发现人们忽略了教学中的一个重要变量——学生,即有个体差异的学生。所以,有学者(如Brown,2002; Littlewood,2008,何广铿,2011)认为:在教学中,只有优秀的教学方法、高质量的教材,缺少对学生的了解,要取得教学上的成功依旧是很困难的。20世纪70年代中期开始,国外英语教学法研究的注意力发生了转移。开始重视对学习者个体差异(Learner differences)的研究,以及这些个体差异对教学效果的影响。学生的个体差异表现在许多方面,如性别、年龄、学习动机、学习风格等。如何有效地培养高中学生英语阅读能力一直是高中英语教学所要面对重大难题之一。然而,阅读策略的有效培养是高中英语阅读教学中的一个重点,也是提高学生阅读能力的突破口。另外,教育部颁布的《普通高级中学英语课程标准》明确规定学习策略是课程目标的核心组成部分,而阅读策略就是学习策略的重要分支。本文拟从学生场独立/场依存学习风格个体差异的角度,来对其进行英语阅读策略训练。论文的研究假设(Hypothesis)是:基于学生场独立/场依存学习风格差异的高中英语阅读策略训练能有效提高学生的阅读能力。三个具体的研究问题(Research questions)如下:1.场独立/场依存学习风格差异如何影响学生的EFL阅读策略使用?2.基于学生学习风格差异的阅读策略训练能否有效提高学生EFL阅读能力?3.教师如何进行基于学生学习风格差异的EFL阅读策略训练?本研究选取桐乡市高级中学高二年级四位学生作为研究被试(Subjects),采用定量和定性混合的研究范式,运用个案研究的方法分以下四个阶段进行。阶段一:运用场独立/场依存学习风格量表(GEFT)和前测(Pretest)挑选研究所需四位被试。被试的组成为场独立、场依存各两人,男女各两人;同时,运用SPSS中单个样本T检验(One-Sample t-test),对四位被试的前测成绩进行均值差异性检验,要求四位被试的前测成绩均值与全年级均值无差异。阶段二:利用高中学生英语阅读策略使用情况问卷(ERSISMiSS)调查被试的阅读策略使用情况,记录训练前的策略使用调查结果;然后,开始对被试进行基于场独立/场依存学习风格差异的英语阅读策略训练,训练遵循学习风格匹配和失配原则进行,使学生在阅读策略的运用上既“扬长”又“补短”。阶段三:经过两个月的训练,对四位被试再进行后测(Posttest),两周后再进行一次延迟后测(Postponed posttest),测试他们的阅读水平;并再次进行高中学生英语阅读策略使用情况问卷(ERSISMiSS)调查,记录训练后的阅读策略使用调查结果。阶段四:对研究过程中所获得的数据进行定量和定性分析。首先,运用SPSS对后测和延迟后测的成绩进行单个样本T检验,发现经过训练后四位被试的成绩与全年级存在显著性差异,明显高于年级平均水平;其次,再运用SPSS对训练前后的两次阅读策略使用情况问卷结果进行配对样本T检验(Paired-Samplest-test),发现同一被试训练前后的阅读策略使用存在极其显著的差异,训练后策略使用更加丰富;最后,对测试和问卷的部分数据做定性分析,印证定量分析结果,并得出结论。本研究的结论是:基于场独立/场依存学习风格的阅读策略培训能扩展学生的学习风格和增强学生阅读策略的使用能力,从而提高其阅读能力。全文共有五个章节组成。第一章(Introduction)简要介绍了本项研究的背景和研究价值。第二章(Literature Review)对国内外场独立、场依存学习风格以及英语阅读策略方面的相关研究文献进行综述。第三章(Research Methodology)讨论了研究的设计,包括研究环境、取样、研究问题、研究步骤、研究工具、数据搜集与分析步骤、英语阅读策略培训方法等。第四章(Results and Discussion)对研究所得数据进行了分析与讨论。第五章(Conclusion)主要是对本研究的简要总结,包括研究发现、对中学英语阅读教学的启示和本研究尚存在的局限性。
[Abstract]:All along, people think the key to learn a foreign language is to find a suitable teaching method and write excellent materials. Therefore, people are trying to find a suitable for all environments, the ideal teaching methods work in a variety of different types of students, and hope to write a good textbook can achieve this purpose. The Research of people have achieved great results, get rid of all kinds of teaching methods, teaching materials. But one with a superb collection of beautiful things, teachers in the use of the same materials, the same kind of teaching methods to teach with a class of students will appear different teaching effect. Some students are good, some students do not satisfactory. The reason that people ignore an important variable in the teaching of students, namely the individual differences of students. Therefore, some scholars (such as Brown, 2002; Littlewood, 2008, He Guangkeng, 2011) thinks that in the teaching, only good teaching methods, high quality materials, lack of understanding of the students, to achieve success in teaching is still very difficult to start the.20 century mid 70s, the transfer of foreign language teaching approaches. Attention began to attach importance to the study of individual differences (Learner differences) research, and effect of these individual differences on the teaching effect. The students' individual differences in many aspects, such as gender, age, learning motivation, learning style and so on. How to effectively cultivate English reading ability of senior high school students has been the senior high school English teaching has to face a major problem. However, the effective reading strategies training is a focus on the English Reading Teaching in senior high school, but also to further improve students' reading ability. In addition, "senior high school English curriculum standard issued by the Ministry of education clearly" The core provisions of learning strategy is part of the curriculum goal, reading strategy is an important branch of learning strategies. This paper from the students of field dependence and independence of individual differences in learning styles, to carry on the training of English reading strategies. The research hypothesis (Hypothesis): field dependence and independence of students with different learning styles high school English reading strategy training can improve students' reading ability. Based on the three specific research questions are as follows: 1. (Research questions) field dependence and independence of learning style differences in how to use EFL students' reading strategies? 2. reading strategies training differences of students learning style can effectively improve students' reading ability based on the EFL 3.? How teachers are the differences of students learning style EFL reading strategy training based on? This study selected Tongxiang City senior high school four students As the research subjects (Subjects), using a mix of quantitative and qualitative research paradigm, using the method of case study is divided into the following four stages. Stage one: the use of field dependence and independence learning style scale (GEFT) and pretest (Pretest) selection study required four subjects. The subjects. As the field independence, field dependence of each two people, two men and women of all people; at the same time, the use of a single sample T SPSS test (One-Sample t-test), on four subjects pre-test scores of the test of mean difference, four subjects tested before no difference in the mean grades and grade average. Stage two: the situation of senior high school students' reading strategy use questionnaire (ERSISMiSS) survey participants use reading strategies and records before the training of strategy use survey results; then began to be tried based on the field dependence and independence learning style differences of English reading strategy training, Follow the training of learning style matching and mismatch principle, so that students in the use of reading strategies on both "swagger" and "short". Stage three: after two months of training, the four subjects were measured after two weeks (Posttest), followed by a delayed post test (Postponed posttest), test their reading level; and again situation of senior high school students' reading strategy use questionnaire (ERSISMiSS) survey, record training after reading strategy use survey results. Stage four: to obtain the data for the quantitative and qualitative analysis. First of all, the use of SPSS on the posttest and delayed posttest. Results of a single sample T test, found that after training four subjects and grade there is a significant difference between the grade was significantly higher than the average level; secondly, then use SPSS use questionnaire to two times before and after the training of reading strategies The results were analyzed by paired samples T test (Paired-Samplest-test), found the same subjects before and after training, the use of reading strategies have significant difference, after the training strategy for the use of more abundant; finally, part of the data of test and questionnaire to make qualitative analysis, confirms the results of quantitative analysis, and draws a conclusion. The conclusion of this study is: field independent field dependence / learning style reading strategy training can expand students' learning style and enhance the ability of students use reading strategies based on, so as to improve their reading ability. This thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter (Introduction) briefly introduces the background and research value of this research. The second chapter (Literature Review) in China field independence, field dependence learning literature style and English reading strategies were reviewed. The third chapter discusses the design (Research Methodology) research, Including the research environment, sampling, research questions, research steps, research tools, data collection and analysis steps of English reading strategy training methods. The fourth chapter (Results and Discussion) to study the data is analyzed and discussed. The fifth chapter (Conclusion) is mainly a brief summary of this research, including the study found that the the limitations of this research and teaching is the middle school English reading.
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