本文关键词: 高中生物 层次性 分层教学 学生能力 出处:《河南师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the expansion of high school enrollment, the entrance threshold of new students is gradually reduced. In the same class, the differences between different students increase, just like other subjects. The traditional teaching method is still adopted in biology teaching. In this "one-size-fits-all" education mode, the acceptance ability and average basic level of class students are the reference for teachers' teaching. For all students to implement the same requirements, the same content, the same progress of teaching, such teaching may be suitable for some students, but for another group of students. In particular, the top students and the underachievers at both ends of the class are probably not suitable. Eventually, the excellent students do not have enough to eat, but the underachievers feel that they cannot afford it. The top students are still unable to come out, and the poor students are unable to keep up. This seriously hinders the development of this part of the students. In order to effectively face all the students in classroom teaching, improve the students' biological learning ability in an all-round way. The most important problem to be solved is the prominent contradiction between the uneven students' learning possibility and the overall uniform teaching purpose. However, if we want to solve this contradiction, we must establish two basic points. First, there are objective differences between students'"learning" and teachers'"teaching", and there are also differences in teachers' teaching. Second, all students, including students with learning difficulties, have full potential for development. In the classroom teaching to form a mechanism to promote all students to get good development on their own basis. On this basis, the teaching strategy is layered teaching. This study in teaching activities. According to the students' academic achievement, learning ability, the difference of biological knowledge base and the level of students' learning, and taking into account the psychological and physiological characteristics and personality characteristics of senior high school students, the whole class can be divided into classes. The three levels are named ability level, skill level and basic layer. This paper uses literature research method, questionnaire method, practice research method and so on, referring to the requirements of senior high school biology curriculum standards. Considering the actual situation of high school students' biological learning, the experiment process of biological stratification teaching aimed at guiding students to develop their learning ability mainly includes goal-oriented, layered teaching, on-demand improvement and concise development. Feedback evaluation and other five links, stratified teaching on students' biological learning ability of practical research. Finally, the following conclusions are reached: first. The implementation of stratified teaching in biology teaching in senior high school has effectively stimulated students' interest in learning biology and improved students' biological learning ability. Second. The implementation of stratified teaching in senior high school biology teaching to avoid doing some simple and repetitive homework and increase their learning burden is equivalent to reducing the burden on students. Third. The implementation of stratified teaching in senior high school biology teaching has promoted the cooperation and competition among students and greatly improved the students' learning enthusiasm and initiative. 4th. The implementation of stratified teaching in senior high school biology teaching has promoted the communication between teachers and students, and the relationship between teachers and students has become more harmonious, creating a good teaching environment. 5th. The implementation of stratified teaching in senior high school biology teaching has optimized the whole process of teaching, stimulated the interest of students at all levels in learning biology, changed "passive learning" into "active learning", and effectively transformed students with learning difficulties. Improve the quality of teaching. 6th, the implementation of stratified teaching in senior high school biology teaching greatly exercises the teacher's organizational control and the ability to adapt to the situation. In addition, the thinking induced by stratified teaching itself and the challenges raised by students in stratified teaching are all conducive to the overall improvement of teachers' ability.
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