发布时间:2018-01-25 01:51
本文关键词: 汉语词汇教学 教学现状 教学困境 影响因素 教学策略 出处:《华中师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:自上世纪50年代起,澳大利亚开始有学校开设中文课程,汉语作为第二语言教学自此在澳洲兴起。但是澳洲的汉语教学,直至上世纪80年代,即中国开始实施改革开放政策后,才逐步得到一定的发展。近年来,随着中国国际地位的提高,中澳双方贸易关系的逐渐加强,澳洲政府和人民逐渐意识到学习中文的重要性。2014年11月18日,国家主席习近平及其夫人彭丽媛在参观访问澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚州期间,专门看望了塔州斯科奇一欧克伯恩小学的16名学生,因为这些小学生曾经用中文与习近平夫妇通过信。习近平夫妇鼓励当地的学生学好汉语、了解中国文化,自此,澳洲兴起了学习汉语的热潮。但是迄今为止,对于澳洲的中文教学,尤其是词汇教学的研究并不充足,仍需进一步深入研究和讨论,否则难以应对澳洲逐渐兴起的汉语学习浪潮。本文以澳洲维省‘'Bendigo South East College"(以下简称“BSE”中学)7-10年级汉语班的104位学生以及分布在维省22所公立中学的汉语志愿者助教为调查对象,结合对“BSE”中学的四位来自不同国家、拥有不同语言背景和文化水平的汉语教师进行的随堂听课记录,利用访谈、问卷调查、图表分析等方式,就维省公立中学汉语词汇教学现状进行分析,总结得出维省公立中学的汉语词汇教学主要存在四个方面的教学困境:教材的选用、方法的运用、理论的应用、教师的选用。针对以上困境,研究者从“汉语词汇的本体特征、澳洲维省公立中学的教育理念和语言学习大纲、中学生汉语词汇学习的规律及特点、教学环境、学生的年龄特征、汉语在维省教学中的地位、维州公立中学汉语教师队伍的特点”等方面分析造成目前四大教学困境的各影响因素。同时,研究者通过对志愿者教师、“BSE”中学的汉语班学生的调查问卷,观察并总结“BSE”中学四位汉语教师的词汇教学课堂,研究者提出以下策略:第一,强化词汇运用的教学和操练;第二,做好课堂的服务者;第三,贴合教学实际环境。本文将教学案例结合相关理论及调查问卷,秉着实践性、有用性的原则,以期研究出一套符合澳洲公立中学汉语词汇教学实际的策略,希望能为在澳从事汉语教学的汉语教师们提供某些理论和现实的参考依据。
[Abstract]:Since -50s, there have been schools offering Chinese courses in Australia, and Chinese as a second language has since risen in Australia. However, Chinese teaching in Australia until -20s. In recent years, with the improvement of China's international status, bilateral trade relations between China and Australia have gradually strengthened. The Australian government and people have come to realize the importance of learning Chinese. On November 18th 2014, President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan visited Tasmania, Australia. The group visited 16 students at Skocke-Okborne Primary School in Tazhou, who had written to Xi Jinping and his wife in Chinese to encourage local students to learn Chinese and understand Chinese culture. Since then, there has been an upsurge in learning Chinese in Australia, but up to now, the research on Chinese teaching, especially vocabulary teaching, in Australia is not enough, which still needs further study and discussion. Otherwise, it would be difficult to cope with the rising wave of Chinese learning in Australia. This paper uses Bendigo South East College in Victoria, Australia (hereinafter referred to as "BSE" Middle School). The subjects were 104 students in Chinese class of grades 7-10 and Chinese volunteer teaching assistants in 22 public middle schools in Victoria province. Combined with the four Chinese teachers from different countries, with different language backgrounds and different cultural level, we use interviews, questionnaires, chart analysis and so on. This paper analyzes the present situation of Chinese vocabulary teaching in public middle schools in Uygur province and concludes that there are four main teaching difficulties in the teaching of Chinese vocabulary in public middle schools in Uygur province: the selection of teaching materials, the application of methods and the application of theory. In view of the above difficulties, the researcher starts with the Noumenon characteristics of Chinese vocabulary, the educational concept and language learning syllabus of Uygur Public Middle School in Australia, the rules and characteristics of middle school students' Chinese vocabulary learning, and the teaching environment. The age characteristics of students, the status of Chinese in teaching in Uygur province, and the characteristics of Chinese teachers in public middle schools in Victoria are analyzed in this paper. At the same time, the influencing factors of the four major teaching difficulties are analyzed. The researcher through the volunteer teacher, "BSE" middle school Chinese class student's questionnaire, observed and summarized "BSE" middle school four Chinese teacher vocabulary teaching classroom, the researcher proposed the following strategy: first. Strengthening vocabulary teaching and practice; Second, do a good job of classroom service; Third, fit the actual teaching environment. This paper combines teaching cases with relevant theories and questionnaires, and holds the principle of practicality and usefulness. The purpose of this paper is to find out a set of practical strategies for Chinese vocabulary teaching in public middle schools in Australia, and hope to provide some theoretical and practical references for Chinese teachers who are engaged in Chinese teaching in Australia.
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1 胡明扬;对外汉语教学中语汇教学的若干问题[J];语言文字应用;1997年01期