本文关键词: 高中语文 语文教学 审美情感 出处:《苏州大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Aesthetic education is an important part of quality education. It is of great significance to cultivate students' aesthetic emotion in high school Chinese teaching, but it has not received due attention for a long time. This paper aims at this phenomenon. This paper expounds the significance, the main basis and the specific methods and approaches of cultivating students' aesthetic emotion. This paper holds that the cultivation of students' aesthetic emotion in the teaching of Chinese in senior high school. It can promote their intelligence development, stimulate the high school students' interest in learning Chinese, improve their appreciation of beauty, and the reform of Chinese teaching methods is also very beneficial. From the psychological development of high school students. Chinese teachers can make full use of the rich materials of beauty in the textbooks to cultivate students' aesthetic feelings. However, it is necessary to clarify the basic principles of this process. Chinese teachers should combine the cultivation of students' aesthetic feelings with teaching practice, and in the process of reading teaching and composition teaching, develop the ability of senior high school students to feel beauty and appreciate it. As the guide of aesthetic education, teachers should strengthen their own knowledge reserve and improve their aesthetic literacy by combining theory with practice. In order to better cultivate the aesthetic feelings of students in teaching.
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