本文关键词: 高中化学 探究性实验教学 教学策略 出处:《青海师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The reform of basic education advocates the learning way of "independence, inquiry and cooperation". The core idea is to put inquiry teaching into class. In order to meet the requirements of social progress and development for talents, chemical experiment inquiry teaching refers to the teaching activities based on experimental inquiry. In the process of implementation, we should pay attention to cultivating students' ability of scientific inquiry and innovation, and further cultivate students' observation. Ability to think, express, analyze and solve problems, etc. Moreover, it plays an important role in promoting the overall development of students. This study has carried out teaching practice and research activities aimed at exploring experimental teaching strategies of "the properties of elemental compounds" in senior high school chemistry. The research contents are divided into six chapters: chapter one, According to the needs of the new curriculum reform and practical teaching, the present situation of experimental teaching at home and abroad is understood and studied, the content and significance of this research are expounded, and the necessity and reality of strengthening the inquiry experimental teaching are demonstrated. This paper expounds the theoretical basis of this research and provides the theoretical basis for this research topic. Chapter three discusses the relevant knowledge of exploratory experimental teaching, including the definition of relevant core concepts, the basic characteristics of exploratory experimental teaching. Chapter 4th introduces the characteristics of knowledge of elements and compounds, the guiding ideology, basic principles and strategies of exploratory experimental teaching. Chapter 5th states the implementation process of the research, including the choice of research objects and methods, This paper enumerates two typical teaching cases in experimental inquiry teaching activities, quantifies and analyzes the questionnaire survey data of students, and shows the implicit characteristic of improving the comprehensive ability of experimental inquiry after students' participation in inquiry learning. Chapter 6th, The conclusion of this study is summarized. Through the teaching practice of one semester and the analysis of the experimental data obtained from the questionnaire, the results show that, as students, they participate in the exploratory experimental teaching activities independently. It can promote the interest in chemistry experiment and chemistry subject knowledge, enhance the autonomy of study, improve the innovative thinking and comprehensive experimental inquiry ability. At the same time, the students' learning attitude, scientific accomplishment and view of science can also be improved. Through the implementation of exploratory experimental teaching, it can be better integrated into students' learning and life, and can also promote the teachers' own teaching wit and professional development. Inquiry experimental teaching is an effective strategy to implement the new round of basic education curriculum reform and promote the development of students. It is also a good way to promote the professional development of teachers.
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