本文关键词: 逻辑思维 高中语文 口语表达教学 书面语表达教学 出处:《辽宁师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Thinking in language as a tool, through the logic to embody its own law. By studying Chinese language development. In the quality of people, logical thinking is the most basic, the most important quality, and people in the most notable feature is the development of the high school stage of thinking, logical thinking as well. Therefore, the research of high school the subject teaching, strengthen teaching practice to cultivate students' logical thinking ability, the all-round human development plays an important role in promoting. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this paper is divided into four parts. First, the necessity of high school language teaching on students' logical thinking and the culture of the human brain. The possibility of the real world summed up, indirectly, reflect the process is active thinking; thinking includes the aspects of image thinking and logical thinking, narrow thinking usually refers to logical thinking. The thinking is closely related with language: language form Is thinking activities, thinking of language as a tool and the development of Chinese learning. The most significant characteristic of the high school student thought development logic thinking is mature, therefore, in the high school stage through Chinese teaching to realize the double development and improvement of students' language ability and logical thinking quality, has certain theoretical basis. Two high school Chinese, teaching on the investigation and analysis of students' logical thinking training. Teachers and students are Chinese class leading and the main body. The author in teaching, teaching practice and teachers form version of the questionnaire survey, makes a comprehensive investigation on current situation of cultivating students' logical thinking ability in high school Chinese teaching. At the same time to make a comprehensive analysis the research results and survey data, put forward the existing problems and provide a practical basis for the research of Chinese teaching in high school students' thinking development. Three, The strategy and practice of Chinese teaching in senior high school students' logical thinking training. This chapter through classroom examples, form logic theories, methods and rules and covers of Chinese teaching in high school oral English teaching, written language (including reading and writing) combination of teaching, to find the best fit point of logical thinking theory and practice of Chinese teaching in high school to promote the practice of high school Chinese teaching, developing students' logical thinking. Four, more than a few theory: logical thinking training thinking. The cultivation of logical thinking is a relatively long process of accumulation. The school-based curriculum of language and expression as the blueprint for the training of logical thinking, logical thinking training engine to cultivate the professionalism of teachers and the quality of thinking, to stimulate the enthusiasm of students to think of the problem as a dynamic logical thinking training, and gradually improve through Chinese in high school The study of the subject helps the students develop their own research and practice of logical thinking.
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