本文选题:日喀则 切入点:化学 出处:《西北师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the implementation of curriculum reform in our country, passive learning, which is characterized by autonomy, cooperation and inquiry, has been confronted with severe challenges. From the perspective of ethnic education, the learning style, which is characterized by autonomy, cooperation and inquiry, has received unprecedented attention. Education in Tibet is at the forefront of ethnic education in our country and is of great significance to Tibet's political stability and modernization drive. Xigaze, Tibet, is located on the border, where modern education starts late and conditions for running schools are poor. Teachers are weak and deeply influenced by traditional religious education. Students learn mainly by listening, reciting, practicing and repeating. The investigation and study of chemical learning methods is not only helpful to change this situation. Therefore, the study on the present situation of learning style and its transformation strategy is an urgent research topic in the curriculum reform of basic education in Tibet. Two kinds of research tools were designed and used. The subjects of the research were teachers and students of senior high school in Xigaze City, Tibet. A total of 514 students from 6 high schools were selected as questionnaire subjects, 12 chemistry teachers and 24 students were interviewed. This paper investigates the present situation of the chemical learning style of the first year Tibetan students in Xigaze City from the two angles of "form" and "state" of the chemical learning style. The main conclusions are as follows: first, the present situation of the chemistry learning style of the first year Tibetan students in Xigaze City is as follows: accepting learning is the main way to study chemistry, and the main conclusions are as follows: (1) the current situation of the chemistry learning methods of the first year of senior high school students in Xigaze City is as follows. It is found that learning is supplemented by learning; that mechanical learning accounts for a large proportion, while meaningful learning accounts for a small proportion; that the learning state of receiving learning is relatively good, and that the learning state of learning is poor; that the learning state of mechanical learning is good; Second, the suggestion of changing chemistry learning style effectively suggests that teachers attach importance to guiding the study of all kinds of chemistry knowledge and improve students' learning state. On the basis of strengthening the knowledge of "double base", the learning method is optimized.
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