本文选题:情境创设 + 初中数学 ; 参考:《吉林师范大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In the new curriculum standard, junior high school mathematics curriculum goal is divided into four aspects: knowledge and skills, mathematical thinking, problem solving, emotional attitude. The importance of creating situations in the teaching process is emphasized in each specific elaboration, in order to enable students to master the basic knowledge and skills of mathematics necessary for social life and further development. In order to cultivate students' innovative consciousness and application ability and promote students' comprehensive and sustainable development, situational teaching mode is a teaching method which should be popularized in the new curriculum reform. This mode breaks the traditional education which only imparts boring knowledge and neglects the students' emotional attitude and ability cultivation. It is helpful for students to understand the basic thought and thinking mode of mathematics in mathematics class and form a rigorous scientific attitude. This article studies the situation creation of junior high school mathematics through three aspects: first, the background and significance of situational creation research, the basic situation of situational teaching research at home and abroad; secondly, Through the analysis of the characteristics of junior middle school students, this paper puts forward the principles and functions that should be followed in the creation of situation in mathematics teaching in junior high school, and introduces the creation of situations in each teaching link of a class, and explains how to carry out situational teaching through case analysis. Finally, the paper discusses the ways of creating situation, such as introducing the history of mathematics and the story of mathematics through the students' experimental operation, setting up suspense, practical production and life, students playing games, using analogy skillfully, Multimedia and mathematical and other disciplines, etc. In junior high school mathematics, the situational teaching model has the extremely important position and the function. If the situation can be well created in every link of mathematics curriculum in junior high school, it will help to cultivate students' interest in learning and stimulate their exploring spirit and innovative ability.
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