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发布时间:2018-05-11 07:14

  本文选题:反拨效应 + 高中英语教学 ; 参考:《青海师范大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Backwash effect refers to the influence of language testing on teaching and learning. The main purpose of language test is to make accurate and fair measurement of the subjects' language ability. As a mechanism of detection and evaluation, language testing plays an active role in promoting, evaluating, improving and promoting. Overseas scholars have done a lot of research on the backwash effect, involving theoretical and empirical aspects, which has made great progress in English teaching. However, theoretical and empirical research on backwash effect in the field of language testing is still lacking in China, especially for the backwash effect of the college entrance examination, and the backwash effect of the single item type of the college entrance examination. College entrance examination English (Zhejiang Volume) has undergone several changes since 2006, especially in reading related questions. However, theoretical or empirical research on the backwash effect caused by these changes remains to be filled. In view of this, under the guidance of test theory and second language acquisition theory, this paper analyzes the changes of reading question types of college entrance examination in Zhejiang Province in recent years; through interviews with college entrance examination propositions in Zhejiang Province; and through teaching and research staff in districts and cities. A questionnaire survey was conducted among first-line English teachers and sophomore students in senior high school to find out the changes of English reading questions in college entrance examination in Zhejiang Province and their backwash effects on senior high school English teaching. The feedback and suggestions from teachers and students in the design of reading questions for college entrance examination in Zhejiang Province and the English teaching in senior high schools are discussed in detail. The subjects of this study were 21 teachers and 35 teachers from Hangzhou and surrounding counties, and 211 students from three high schools (Xuejun Middle School, Hangzhou No.2 Middle School and Fuyang Middle School). The results show that the reading question type of college entrance examination (Zhejiang Volume) has both positive and negative effects on English teaching in senior high schools. The first is that the teaching tasks set in the curriculum and the curriculum have been completed under its positive effects. The enthusiasm of teachers in teaching has been stimulated and the motivation for students to study has been greatly increased, and students' thinking has been dispersed. Students' knowledge has been greatly expanded and students' ability to solve problems has been extensively improved. The negative effects are reflected in the fact that some types of problems are too fixed, which makes it easy for teachers and students to sum up the rules of doing questions and affect the cultivation of students' comprehensive language ability. Encourage the "examination-oriented" style. In view of this, this paper puts forward some suggestions from two aspects: the types of reading questions in college entrance examination (Zhejiang Volume) and the teaching of English reading in senior high schools. In order to make better use of the positive and negative effects of reading questions in college entrance examination (Zhejiang Volume) and reduce their negative backwash effects.


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