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发布时间:2018-05-16 15:21

  本文选题:河南省 + 初中毕业升学 ; 参考:《河南大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:“健康第一”的指导思想是以提高学生身心健康水平和社会适应能力的重要前提条件。自学生体能素质直线下降、肥胖率越来越高,学生的体质健康问题应得到国家及相关教育部门的重视,随着2014年国家教育部下发了关于《国家学生体质健康标准(2014年修订)》,及初中毕业升学体育考试的不断改革,充分说明了国家及相关教育部门对学生体质健康的重视程度。相关教育部门应完善评价机制,体育教师不断提高自身的教学质量,教会学生掌握适合自己的练习方法,发现学生的兴趣爱好点,促进学生自觉锻炼意识的形成。2013年河南省的初中毕业升学体育考试制度有了新的变化,将体育考试以满分50分计入中招总成绩中,这一决策实施以后,极大地推动了学校体育工作的开展,受到了广大学校体育工作者的高度评价;引起了社会的广泛关注,学校、学生及家长提高了对体育的重视程度,学生积极地参与体育锻炼。河南省是人口大省,据统计2013年参加初中毕业升学体育考试的人数达到了80多万,可见初中毕业升学体育考试的重要性不容小觑。虽然国家颁布了一系列文件,相关教育部门下发文件、通知,到各个地方实施的具体情况,初中毕业升学体育考试对体育教学产生的影响,改革后存在的地区差异及改革后存在的问题,还需要进一步研究。本论文主要从河南省初中毕业升学体育考试的改革内容进行分析,改革后的教学状况、部分地区存在的差异和存在的问题进行研究,采用文献法、调查法、数理统计法及逻辑分析法对河南省初中毕业升学体育考试进行研究。根据调查与分析,得出的结论如下:(1)河南省下发关于初中毕业升学体育考试政策的相关文件后,目前各地市仍存在差异,主要是满分成绩的差异、过程性评价内容的差异、病残考生成绩标准存在的差异及部分地区使用自动化测试仪器的差异。(2)初中升学体育考试制度实施后,对学生身体素质的提高具有重要意义,大部分学生对体育是比较感兴趣的,但仍有少部分学生对体育认识不足,家长需加大支持力度。(3)初中升学毕业体育考试的改革,对学校体育教学有促进作用,表现为体育课得到了保证、提高体育教师的教学积极性、促进学生进行课外体育锻炼、学生的素质水平得到了普遍提高。(4)每项政策的实施都具有两面性,初中升学毕业体育考试政策变化后,其消极影响为:应试教育现象的产生、不利于学生终身体育意识的形成、冲击正常体育教学,不利于学生的全面发展。 (5)初三学生体育课内容单一、枯燥,部分地市教育部门直接规定本校学生的自选项目,不利于学生兴趣的培养及终身体育意识的形成。根据调查与分析得出的结论及调查过程中发现的问题提出了相应的建议:学校在制定教学计划时,应根据现阶段学生的身体及心理素质进行安排体育教学,避免片面追求初中毕业升学体育考试内容;教师根据学生的身体素质情况进行分组,加强对兴趣的引导,制定相关的训练计划,加强学生相关的身体素质练习;教师的教学方法应灵活多变,让学生掌握适合自己的练习方式,提高学生的学习积极性;过程性评价在学生积极参与体育活动中起到至关重要的作用,但河南省大部分地市都没有过程性评价考试的内容,相关教育部门应给予相应的肯定;国家及相关教育部门,可在临近考试前一个月公布各地市的初中毕业升学体育考试内容,削弱“应试现象”;相关教育部门应拨款采购自动化测试仪器,有利于体现初中毕业升学体育考试的公平性。为此,应进一步提高学生的积极性,当地教育部门、学校、教师和家长有机的结合起来,共同提高学生的身体素质,促进学校体育的发展。
[Abstract]:The guiding ideology of "health first" is an important prerequisite for improving the level of students' physical and mental health and the ability to adapt to the society. The students' physical fitness has declined linearly and the obesity rate is higher and higher. The health problems of students should be paid more attention by the state and related education departments. With the National Education Ministry in 2014, the national students have issued the "national students". The standard of physical health (revised in 2014), and the continuous reform of the sports examination for junior high school graduation, fully explain the importance of the state and related education departments to the physical health of the students. The relevant educational departments should improve the evaluation mechanism, the physical education teachers constantly improve their teaching quality, and teach the students to master their own practice methods. At present, students' interest and interest, promoting students' consciousness of self-conscious exercise, have formed a new change in the physical examination system of junior high school graduation and promotion in Henan Province in.2013 years. The sports examination is included in the total score of 50. This decision has greatly promoted the development of the school sports work and has been subjected to a large number of school sports workers. The high evaluation of the author has aroused wide attention of the society. Schools, students and parents have increased their attention to sports and students actively participate in physical exercise. Henan province is a large province of population. According to statistics, the number of students attending junior high school graduation sports examinations in 2013 has reached about 800000, and the importance of sports examinations for junior high school graduation is seen. Although the state has issued a series of documents, the relevant education departments issued the documents, notifications, the specific circumstances of the implementation of various places, the impact of the sports examination on the physical education of junior high school graduation, the regional differences and the existing problems after the reform are still needed to be further studied. This thesis is mainly from the beginning of Henan province. The reform content of the graduation sports examination is analyzed, the teaching situation after the reform, the differences and the existing problems in some areas are studied. The literature method, the investigation method, the mathematical statistics method and the logical analysis method are used to study the sports examination of the junior high school graduation promotion in Henan Province. 1) after the relevant documents about the sports examination policy of junior high school graduation promotion in Henan Province, there are still differences in various cities, mainly the difference of full score, the difference of the content of the process evaluation, the difference of the standard of the results of the disabled candidates and the difference of the use of automatic test instruments in some areas. (2) the physical examination system of junior high school is real. After the application, it is of great significance to improve the physical quality of the students. Most students are more interested in sports, but there are still a few students' lack of awareness of physical education and parents need to strengthen their support. (3) the reform of the physical education examination of junior high school graduates has a promotion to the school physical education, which shows that physical education has been guaranteed and improved. The teaching enthusiasm of teachers, promoting students to carry out extracurricular physical exercise, the level of students' quality has been generally improved. (4) the implementation of each policy has two sides. After the change of the policy of the junior high school graduation sports examination, the negative influence is that the birth of the examination education phenomenon is not conducive to the formation of the students' lifelong physical education consciousness, and the impact is positive. The regular physical education is not conducive to the all-round development of the students. (5) the physical education of the first three students is monotonous and boring. Part of the Municipal Education Department directly stipulates the students' self selection project, which is not conducive to the cultivation of students' interest and the formation of Lifelong Physical Education consciousness. The suggestion: the school should arrange physical education in accordance with the physical and psychological quality of the students at the present stage to avoid the one-sided pursuit of the content of the entrance examination of the junior high school. The teachers should group the students according to the physical quality of the students, strengthen the guidance of the interest, make the relevant training plans, and strengthen the students' correlation. The teaching methods of teachers should be flexible and changeable, let the students master their own practice and improve their enthusiasm for learning. The process evaluation plays a vital role in the students' active participation in sports activities. However, most cities in Henan have no content of the process evaluation examination and the relevant ministry of education. The door should be given the corresponding affirmation; the state and relevant education departments can publish the content of the entrance examination for junior high school graduation in various cities and weaken the "examination phenomenon" one month before the entrance examination, and the relevant educational departments should allocate the automatic testing instruments for the purchase of the junior high school graduation sports examination. Step by step to improve the enthusiasm of the students, the local education department, schools, teachers and parents organically, together to improve the physical quality of students, promote the development of school sports.



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