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发布时间:2018-05-30 00:20

  本文选题:语块 + 语块教学法 ; 参考:《赣南师范学院》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:As a receptive skill, listening is of great importance in the training of four language skills. Without a lot of language input, it is difficult to have high-quality language output. Therefore, the correct approach to foreign language teaching should focus on cultivating students' listening comprehension ability. However, listening learning has always been a weak link in senior high school students' English learning, mainly because the students pay too much attention to the recognition of words and neglect the language form in the process of listening. Studies based on corpus and second language acquisition have found that in daily communication, the language used by people is not fragmented, but some prearranged phrases or fixed expressions. This preset phrase or fixed expression is called a chunks. It is a lexical-grammatical unit stored in the mental lexicon of the brain in the form of semantics. It has stable collocation, fixed grammatical structure and specific pragmatic environment. The use of chunks in listening comprehension can enlarge the working capacity of short-term memory, reduce the burden of short-term memory, and reduce the anxiety of students in listening materials. Using chunks can also train students'"top-down" listening skills, help listeners bypass unnecessary bottom information and effectively understand listening content. Based on this theory, Lewis puts forward the chunk teaching method. He pointed out that the core of chunk teaching is that language is grammaticalized vocabulary, not lexical grammar. Based on the theory of lexical chunks, this thesis takes a middle school student in Ganzhou as an object of study. By means of a questionnaire survey and a contrastive experiment, the effect of the application of the lexical chunks teaching method on the listening comprehension of senior high school students in listening class is studied. The experimental results show that there is a significant correlation between the chunk teaching method and the students' listening comprehension ability, that is to say, Lexical approach can promote the improvement of students' listening comprehension ability. The influence of lexical chunks on students with different listening levels is different: it has the greatest influence on the high score group students, the second on the middle group students, and the least on the low group students. Therefore, teachers should help students improve their awareness of using lexical chunks and use lexical chunks in the classroom. At the same time, teachers should organize various activities to help students in each group, especially those in low level groups, to improve their listening comprehension.


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