本文选题:花样跳绳 + 教师 ; 参考:《首都体育学院》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Rope skipping is a popular sport for teenagers, which has been carried out well all over the country in recent years. Every year, Beijing holds various kinds of primary and secondary school rope skipping competitions and activities, among which the emerging pattern skipping competitions are becoming more and more common. Some data show that the number of teachers of pattern rope skipping is also increasing, the overall quality of teachers of pattern skipping is not uniform, and the problem of their teaching ability is becoming more and more prominent. These problems will directly affect the healthy development of rope skipping and young people's mastery of rope skipping technology. From a large number of literature, the research on the teaching ability of rope skipping teachers is still relatively small. In this paper, 110 teachers of 60 primary and middle schools who participated in the Beijing Sunshine Sports Primary and Middle School Rope skipping Competition in 2015 were investigated by questionnaire, and 8 experts and teachers in Beijing were interviewed by experts. The present situation, problems and reasonable countermeasures of teaching ability of primary and middle school teachers in Beijing were investigated by face-to-face interviews. The result of the study shows that the deficiency of the teachers' ability in teaching design is mainly reflected in the lack of professional technical and theoretical knowledge of the teachers and the educational training with the cooperation with primary and secondary schools. Lack of responsibility. 2. Lack of ability in teaching implementation of pattern rope skipping teachers in primary and secondary schools in Beijing. It mainly embodies in explaining demonstration ability, choosing teaching methods, organizing and managing teaching activities. The ability of pattern skipping teachers in primary and secondary schools in Beijing is insufficient in teaching evaluation, which is mainly reflected in the awareness of teaching effect evaluation. The ability of evaluating students' learning effect is relatively strong, and the deficiency of teachers' ability in teaching innovation is mainly reflected in the conservatism of teaching methods and the lack of innovative spirit. The comprehensive quality of teachers is insufficient, the ability of rope skipping pattern arrangement innovation and other sports innovation is lacking. Although there are some shortcomings in all aspects of Beijing primary and secondary school pattern skipping teachers, However, compared with the Beijing Sunshine Sports Primary and Middle School pattern skipping Competition in 2014 and the Beijing Sunshine Sports Primary and Middle School pattern skipping Competition in 2015, this team of teachers has made great progress. It has made great contribution to the rope skipping in Beijing.
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