本文选题:农村初中 + 小说教学 ; 参考:《海南师范大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the deepening of the new curriculum reform, novel reading, as one of the important contents of the Chinese curriculum, has been attached great importance to. The effective development of novel teaching can not only improve the students' ability to collect and process information, but also broaden their horizons. Expand the quality of thinking, cultivate students to form a healthy aesthetic taste. However, the rural junior high school novel teaching has long been in a boring, monotonous, boring state, worrying. In view of this, the author adopts the method of anonymous questionnaire to carry out a field investigation on the students and first-line Chinese teachers in two rural junior middle schools in my county, mainly investigating the current situation and teaching situation of their novel reading. The results show that rural junior middle school students' reading needs are passive, reading quantity is small, reading is popular entertainment, reading habits are poor, lack of teachers' guidance and so on. The quality of teachers in rural areas is not hard enough, lack of understanding of the theoretical knowledge of novels, rigid teaching mode, lack of guidance for students to read, and so on. According to the results of the questionnaire, the author summarizes the detailed and specific novel teaching strategies and teaching methods. In addition, the author thinks that we should strengthen the cultivation of teaching subject ability, improve teachers' own quality and teaching ability, and cultivate students' reading ability. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part expounds the reason, background, significance and research methods of the study on the reading of novels in rural junior high school, the second part analyzes the current situation of reading novels of junior high school students by questionnaire, and summarizes the reasons for the formation of the present situation. The third part puts forward the corresponding teaching strategies of novel reading, and the fourth part summarizes the cultivation of reading teaching subject ability. It is hoped that these studies can give some enlightenment to teachers and improve the teaching situation of reading novels in junior middle schools in rural areas.
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