[Abstract]:With the urbanization and modernization of our country, the group of children left behind in rural areas comes into being. With the rapid transformation of social structure, the number of this group is increasing, the problems are also increasing, and it has developed into a major problem of restricting economic development and social harmony. Therefore, paying attention to the mental health of rural left-behind children and promoting the socialization of left-behind children's health is an important link in building a harmonious socialist society, which is related to the sustainable development of economic construction and social stability in our country. It is the realistic demand to promote urbanization and modernization, at the same time, to pay attention to the left-behind children as a social vulnerable group, is also the humanistic concern for the growth of a generation of rural children. Different from the previous education, psychology, sociology, anthropology and other fields of concern for left-behind children, this paper starts from the field of physical education, combining psychology, sociology and other related theories, views, To explore the influence of sports intervention on mental health and socialization of left-behind children. The main scientific research methods used in this paper are literature, interview, questionnaire, teaching experiment, mathematical statistics and so on. Based on the comprehensive understanding of the mental health status of left-behind children, the deep intervention-feedback is taken as the main axis. This paper analyzes the necessity and feasibility of sports intervention on the mental health of left-behind children, and constructs a sports intervention scheme to intervene 53 left-behind children in Nam Mu Pu Nine School, Huaihua City, Hunan Province. The purpose of this paper is to grasp the immediate utility and long-term value of physical intervention on the mental health of left-behind children, and to provide a valuable basis for solving the psychological health problems of left-behind children in physical education. The results showed that children left behind in Nanmu Pu were poor in life and learning, and there were some psychological obstacles in them. At the beginning of sports intervention, there were significant differences in the psychological status of rural left-behind children in terms of compulsion, depression, phobia and paranoid ideation (P0.05). Although the other factors had no statistical difference, the scores were all decreased. The results showed that after the sports intervention, the number of children left behind in extracurricular sports activities increased significantly, the time significantly increased; the desire to participate in sports activities was stronger; It is more confident to overcome the difficulties encountered in sports activities and to get excellent performance in sports activities, and the attitude and cognition to participate in sports activities have also been improved. Therefore, physical intervention can effectively alleviate the psychological barriers of left-behind children in rural areas, and play a positive role in promoting the formation of left-behind children and maintaining a healthy psychological state: sports intervention can help left-behind children to build self-confidence; It is helpful for left-behind children to seek emotional attribution and obtain emotional identity. In addition, sports intervention can promote left-behind children to form and maintain positive sports attitude and behavior, thus providing a way for left-behind children to form self-consciousness, perfect personality development, establish primary group, reconstruct value rationality and establish value concept. Based on the effect of sports intervention, it is suggested that the government, school, society, family and individual should ensure the participation of left-behind children in sports activities, and promote the physical and mental health of left-behind children in an all-round way.
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