[Abstract]:According to the requirements of the Municipal Education Commission "notice on developing the Teaching Reform pilot work of" Senior Middle School physical Education Specialization "(2012) 79), the teaching reform of 17 senior high school sports specialized schools in Shanghai in the second semester of the academic year of 2012 was carried out. The pilot operation of the school was carried out. The first and second grade students are the main ones in the pilot project. 7507 students (3495 boys and 4012 girls) from 17 senior high schools in some schools also participate in the experiment. A total of 20 sports items have been set up and 106 items have been set up. Based on this background, using questionnaire, literature, mathematical statistics, interview and other methods, the first batch of 17 pilot high schools in Shanghai to carry out special teaching, tennis special classes to carry out an investigation and study. The investigation and analysis are focused on the situation of teachers in 17 pilot high schools, the opening of special courses, the opening situation of tennis specialized teaching and the existing problems, etc. According to the guiding ideology of the new curriculum standard, this paper makes a thorough discussion on the problems existing in the optional teaching of physical education in senior high schools in Shanghai and their solutions. Combining with the theoretical analysis, the following main conclusions are drawn: first, teachers, In terms of venue: the PE teachers involved in the curriculum reform are more concentrated, their academic qualifications are mainly undergraduate, the titles are mainly primary and intermediate titles, the gender ratio of teachers is not balanced and some schools are more serious. More than half of the teachers reported that they could not meet the needs of teaching and activities. Secondly, the special curriculum of 17 pilot high schools is relatively diverse, but relatively concentrated, and some schools have a single special curriculum. Third, the tennis special course curriculum aspect: the choice class quantity is insufficient, the stratification is not perfect, and has set the quota when selecting the class, has restricted the partial student's independent choice; Tennis class hours are insufficient to meet the need for students to master a skill. Fourth, the evaluation system of elective courses is not perfect. The assessment and evaluation method established by teachers is relatively perfect, but the execution degree is not high in the process of implementation, and there is no unified and perfect evaluation standard for special courses.
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