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发布时间:2018-07-22 19:16
[Abstract]:At the beginning, the teaching of high mathematics has been incoherent. The reason is that in the beginning, the high school mathematics knowledge point, the learning method and the syllabus have great difference to the students' ability requirements. It is difficult to adapt the students to the high school mathematics learning, and influence the follow-up study and the teaching effect of the teachers. In order to enrich the research, in order to enrich the study, the author combines many teaching examples, and aims to guide practice from practice. This paper applies a variety of research methods to discuss how to solve the problem from the improvement of teaching methods. This paper is divided into four chapters to explore the research. The first chapter is introduction. The second chapter of the paper is the analysis of the results of the questionnaire investigation, which are the teachers' attitude to the connection of the early and high school and the investigation of the teaching methods and the students' understanding of the cohesive knowledge. The third chapter is the analysis and study of the differences in the various aspects of the elementary and high school numbers. The four chapter provides a solution to the teaching method of high school teachers. This paper, based on the requirements of the knowledge and syllabus of the early and high school teaching materials, proposes that teachers should do a good job of joining in three aspects from the teaching methods of teachers: to do a good job of teaching content, to do a good job of psychological adaptation, to do a good job in teaching ideas and teaching methods. Teaching as a breakthrough point and breakthrough point, starting from the beginning of the grade study, in line with the track and analysis of senior high school and senior three, through this subject to promote the study of school and regional early and high school connection teaching, promote the in-depth and specific quality education, and continue to sum up the mature experience and promote it, and initially form a complete set of teaching materials and related. Theory.


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