[Abstract]:Biology is a natural science based on experiment. Experiment is the basic characteristic of biology and also the important content of biology course. Throughout the history of the development of biological science, it can be found that scientists enrich and develop the knowledge of biological theory through repeated experiments. Therefore, biological experiments play an important role in biology research and biology teaching. Since the Ministry of Education promulgated the biology curriculum standard of senior high school in 2003, the new curriculum reform has been carried on continuously. Based on the basic concept of the new curriculum, the new requirements and content system of the new curriculum are proposed. The new curriculum reform emphasizes that scientific experiment is a means, which is mainly used to promote the formation and development of biological scientific knowledge. Through repeated experiments, constantly to verify the correct biological knowledge, continue to explore the possible emergence of new biological phenomena, constantly improve the biological system. This shows that in high school biology teaching, to cultivate students' scientific literacy, make students get lifelong development, the development of experimental teaching is an essential means, which also shows the importance of biological experiments. In this paper, the current situation and characteristics of biology experiment teaching at home and abroad and the gap between domestic and foreign biology experiment teaching are understood by consulting literature. According to the present situation of biology experiment teaching in our school, we design a targeted student questionnaire, then randomly select the class in campus to carry on the questionnaire, statistics the data of the investigation, and use Excel software to process the data. After getting the results of data processing, the author analyzes in detail what factors will affect the effectiveness of biological experiment teaching, and points out the problems that may exist and have not been solved in biology experiment teaching at present. Through the analysis of the problem, the author finds out the reasonable solution and puts forward some countermeasures to meet the need of biology teaching at present and to meet the requirements of the new curriculum standard for biology experiment. The strategies to improve the effectiveness of biological experiment teaching are mainly discussed in three stages. The strategy of teaching preparation before experiment mainly emphasizes the preparation of students and teachers, and the strategy of implementing experiment teaching is mainly to explain how to carry out experiment teaching. It includes the application of information technology to assist teaching, when the students are conducting experiments, the teacher acts as a guide, the students cooperate to complete the experiment; after the completion of experimental teaching, the importance of evaluation in promoting biological experimental teaching is emphasized. Through a series of strategies to explore, so as to achieve a certain effectiveness.
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