[Abstract]:In the aspect of cultivating craftsman's spirit, the field of "design and application" in art education in primary and middle schools has unique advantages: echoing the main purpose of curriculum, corresponding to the cultivation of humanistic emotion and comprehensive ability, and conforming to the growth logic of teenagers. The difficulty of the cultivation of "artisans' spirit" in the field of modern art education lies in the habitual thinking in the social tradition, the indigestion in experience and the intolerance in the cultivation of teachers. In carrying forward the excellent traditional culture, we should grasp the opportunity to cultivate the "craftsman's spirit", and do it in the design teaching: from simple skill mastery to the unity of knowledge and practice with attitude, from the abstract "watching" to the concrete feeling of being close to life. From making games to "real" craft and design, from drawing patterns and doing "handwork" to scientific and technological innovation.
【作者单位】: 河南大学艺术学院;
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