[Abstract]:How many literary works of ancient and modern China and foreign countries have disappeared in the long river of history, and Chinese classical poetry, after being washed and polished by time and space, is still shining like a star river, shining brilliant, prosperous and never fading. The classical poems compiled in the junior middle school Chinese textbooks not only have the characteristics of language beauty, rhythm beauty, structure beauty and artistic conception beauty, but also have rich and colorful humanistic spirit. Chinese teachers should fully excavate the treasure hidden in them and let students be influenced and fumigated by humanistic spirit through the teaching of classical poems. Tao, who lays a good foundation for students'spiritual growth, guides young students to establish a correct outlook on life, world outlook and values through the teaching of classical poetry, nourishes and moistens students' life imperceptibly. The author mainly adopts the method of comparative study and summary, first explores and studies the origin and connotation of Chinese humanistic spirit, secondly analyzes the relationship between classical poetry teaching and humanistic spirit, and then analyzes and compares Henan Province. At the same time, the author counts the entrance examination questions of Henan Province in the past ten years, and enumerates the actual teaching cases of classical poetry, analyzes the problems and causes of the lack of humanistic spirit in the current teaching of classical poetry, and tries to stress the importance of it. In view of the teaching of classical poetry in junior middle school, this paper explores the strategies to solve the problems in improving the teaching methods of classical poetry and improving the comprehensive quality of Chinese teachers.
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