[Abstract]:Ancient poetry is an important content in the teaching of Chinese reading in middle schools. How to avoid the superficial general appreciation in teaching has long troubled the teachers in the front line of teaching. The proper and moderate introduction of ancient Chinese literary theory provides new ideas and methods for solving this problem. In the reading teaching of ancient poetry, the introduction of the author's life experience and the background of poetry writing is in line with the requirement of "knowing people and discussing the world", and ancient Chinese literary theory often unconsciously participates in the appreciation and evaluation of ancient poetry. This directly and indirectly interferes with the teaching of ancient poetry in middle schools and affects the students' literary acceptance. Therefore, under the guidance of "compulsory Education Chinese Curriculum Standard" (2011 Edition) and "General Senior Middle School Chinese Curriculum Standard" (experiment), this paper studies how to use ancient Chinese literary theory to guide the teaching of ancient poetry in middle school. In line with the Ministry of Education 2014 work essentials to attach importance to China's outstanding traditional culture requirements. In the course of the research, by using the methods of literature, questionnaire, interview, etc., this paper summarizes the current situation and strategy of the teaching of ancient poetry in middle school, the application of ancient Chinese literary theory, and so on. To explore how to use ancient Chinese literary theory to guide the teaching of ancient poetry in middle schools. In accordance with curriculum standards, constructivism, teaching in accordance with aptitude and teacher-led premise, the use of ancient Chinese literary theory in the design of teaching objectives, choice of teaching methods and content, setting curriculum goals and other aspects of strategic analysis, In combination with du Fu's "Spring Hope" and "Mao House broken by Autumn Wind", Su Shi's "Nu Jiao Chibi nostalgia" and Liu Yuxi "humble room inscription" were tried in teaching practice. Because of the unique angle of view of ancient Chinese literary theory, the guiding role of literary theory to literary appreciation, the need of national cultural elements, and so on, it can directly enhance teachers' teaching ability and students' literary appreciation ability. It is necessary and necessary to promote the nationalization of Chinese education.
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