[Abstract]:School-based curriculum development is an important part of the new curriculum reform in China. It plays an irreplaceable role in the construction of special school, the development of teachers' specialization and the growth of students' individuation. Chinese dragon culture is the essence of national traditional culture. Based on the reality of the development of the new curriculum and the resources of the school, the author brings the dragon culture into the vision of the school-based curriculum. Through the development and implementation of the dragon culture school-based curriculum, we can cultivate students' interests and hobbies, enrich students' practical activities, promote students' ideological accomplishment, cultural accomplishment, artistic taste and physical quality, and promote students' love for the motherland. Carry on the emotion of dragon culture, promote the improvement of students' overall quality and the development of self-personality. This paper systematically introduces some preliminary explorations of textbook developers in the development and implementation of the long Culture School-based Curriculum. Firstly, the paper summarizes the background of the current school-based curriculum development, the author's research purpose, research methods and research results. Then it discusses several problems about the development and implementation of the school-based curriculum of the dragon culture, which include: the value of development and the knowledge, emotion and developmental goal of the development; the content and writing style of the teaching material; the principle of carrying out the teaching The design of teaching, the basic method of teaching and the tactics of teaching evaluation are discussed. Finally, combining with the actual situation of education and teaching, the author discusses the harvest and thinking of developing and implementing the school-based course of dragon culture. Although the development of the school-based curriculum of the Dragon Culture is still in the exploratory stage, the development of the School-based Curriculum of the Dragon Culture will certainly reach a new level as long as the theoretical and practical research is strengthened.
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