[Abstract]:Outside-school counselling is a common phenomenon in many developing countries, especially in East and Southeast Asia. In our country, the current outside-school counseling is also very popular. However, different students have different needs. Junior middle school is the transition period of students from primary school to high school, and it is also an important period of students' knowledge accumulation. What is the participation rate of junior middle school students in various subjects and outside tutoring? What is the length of time they choose, the form of counselling, the reasons for their participation and the cost of counselling? What are the factors that affect the junior middle school students to participate in outside counseling? Can the outside tutoring of various subjects achieve the purpose of improving students' academic performance? In order to answer the above questions, the present study uses 12243 valid data from the Chinese School Curriculum Teaching Survey Database to explore the status, influencing factors and effects of junior high school students' participation in extracurricular tutoring in various subjects. Based on the statistical analysis of these data, this study found that the academic subjects with higher participation rate in out-of-school tutoring were mathematics and foreign languages, and that musical instruments were the most interesting courses in non-academic subjects. In different subjects, students tend to choose different tutoring periods and the length of tutoring time are different: in four subjects, language, number, external, object, etc. Junior middle school students were more likely to take part in two or 2-3 hours of tutoring on weekends, while in history, land, students and politics, junior high school students were more likely to complete one hour or less after class. Junior high school students often choose to take part in learning for 1 hour or less after class. "1 pair" is the main form of outside tutoring at present, and the expenditure on outside counseling of junior middle school students shows significant difference between grade and city. Parents avoid blind adherence to the choice of out-of-school counseling, can start from the needs of their children, think that the main purpose of the children is to fill the gap, and tend to democracy at the same time. The number of children in the family, the education level of the parents, the annual income of the family and the educational expectation of the parents are all the important factors that influence the junior high school students to participate in the outside school counseling. The combination of different factors predicted the possibility of different types of outside tutoring. Off-campus tutoring only plays a significant role in the change of academic achievement of junior high school students in mathematics, physics and English, but the function of out-of-school tutoring shows positive effect in urban areas and negative effect in rural areas. Existence has its rationality. Although the outside tutoring only plays a role in the academic achievement of the students' main subjects, it is still a means to assist the mainstream school education. The educational administration should consider the correct guidance to the outside tutoring. In order to achieve the role of assisting the development of students.
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