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implementation strategies 在 中等教育 分类中 的翻译结果

发布时间:2016-12-23 12:47















implementation strategies

  • 实施策略(51)

        The Organization Model and Implementation Strategies of Small Topics Research in English Curriculum



        On the Emotional Education Objective in Biology Teaching of Junior School and Its Implementation Strategies



        And after, we discuss designing and implementing activity ad inquiry content. With lots of cases to illustrate, we study design and implementation strategies from the three kinds of activity and inquiry: experiment, investigation, expression and communication of activity and inquiry.



        The fourth part proposes the implementation strategies and suggestions to life concerning in moral education of middle school.



        After elaborating the theoretical basis andfundamental principles of "stratification teaching", explored here are the implementation strategies of "stratification teaching"in English: stratification of students and stratification of goals.





        For strengthening practical value, the thesis designs the process of teaching, analyses its four stages and the implementation strategies of every stage.



        On the basis of the present theory of creative thinking study in the areas of pedagogy and psychology, integrated with the practice of chemistry teaching in secondary school, this article analyzes the components of creative thinking ability in chemistry, brings forth the training modes and implementation strategies , and deals with an experimental study.



        The aim of this thesis is to look for a new way to reform senior mathematics teaching under the new course standard. This is done by investigating the function orientation, the characteristics implementation strategies and the mode of investigative learning.



    查询“implementation strategies”译词为用户自定义的双语例句


      implementation strategies

    The locality together with some implementation strategies produces a method well suited for the treatment of a big amount of data.


    The results also show that formalization enhances the procedural rationality of elimination decisions, and leads to customer-sensitive implementation strategies.


    Implementation strategies in the market-driven strategy era


    In DRS, we propose the application of optimal power assignment to the W-CDMA architecture, and we also suggest several implementation strategies.


    Several issues, key concepts, and implementation strategies are presented under a strategic approach to address issues of fidelity and adaptation.



    This paper addressed the issues of why and how to increase spatial awareness through the main aspects of the National Mathematics Curriculum Standard (6-15), both in terms of curriculum development and in terms of implementation strategies. Affection would be paid to the representation of three-dimensional object in a plane and interpreting the relations between realities and photographs and drawings. This paper will also deal with the views for the necessity and possibilities to this reform.


    Since the number of students in classes can't be reduced in most schools, the proper implementation of stratifiedand progressive teaching is an effective way in improving teaching effects. After elaborating the theoretical basis andfundamental principles of "stratification teaching", explored here are the implementation strategies of "stratification teaching"in English: stratification of students and stratification of goals.


    Technology education in primary and secondary schools become a hot point and trend of international basic education reform.However research in this field is quite feeble in our country.The international technology education displays its independent characteristics and its concepts are changing from the traditional industrial arts training to contemporary technology literacy educa tion.Seeking a balanced and unified curriculum framework and adopting various curriculum implementation strategies with on going...

    Technology education in primary and secondary schools become a hot point and trend of international basic education reform.However research in this field is quite feeble in our country.The international technology education displays its independent characteristics and its concepts are changing from the traditional industrial arts training to contemporary technology literacy educa tion.Seeking a balanced and unified curriculum framework and adopting various curriculum implementation strategies with on going innovation now become the common characteristics of international technology education for primary and secondary schools.



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