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发布时间:2018-10-26 07:41
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of economy and the prosperity of national strength, the "traditional culture craze" has become more and more popular, and President Xi Jinping has repeatedly proposed on various occasions to "inherit and carry forward the excellent Chinese traditional culture". As an important base of cultural inheritance, primary and secondary schools should also play their due role in the process of promoting Chinese excellent traditional culture. Therefore, to study the connotation of Chinese excellent traditional culture, to study the content of excellent traditional culture in the middle school Chinese teaching material, and to explore the strategy of fusion of excellent traditional culture and Chinese teaching in senior high school. It is of positive significance to infiltrate the content of Chinese excellent traditional culture in Chinese teaching activities. Through teaching practice, the high school students can understand the essence of Chinese excellent traditional culture, which is conducive to inheriting and developing the excellent Chinese traditional culture, deepening and enriching the teaching of Chinese in middle school, and edifying the excellent Chinese traditional culture under the influence of Chinese excellent traditional culture. It is helpful for the students to form the habit of knowing and obeying the rites, to form the correct values, to have a good attitude towards life, and to grow into a person with healthy personality. In the research process, the main use of content analysis, investigation and practice research method. Taking the compulsory high school Chinese teaching material as the research object, this paper clarifies the excellent Chinese traditional culture contained in the teaching material, designs the related questionnaire, finds out the students' ideological condition, and determines the teaching content pertinently. In the practical process of Chinese teaching, we seek effective fusion strategies, so that excellent traditional culture can really enter the Chinese classroom in senior high school. After nearly three years of research, the connotation of excellent traditional culture has been related to the integration of high school Chinese teaching materials, and has also explored the teaching methods of reading aloud, opening "cultural classroom", "writing" and "reading". These methods can combine excellent traditional culture with Chinese teaching in senior high school. In the past few years, students' spiritual growth and academic achievement have given me the confidence and strength to continue to study "excellent traditional culture into high school Chinese classroom".


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