[Abstract]:In the process of solving biological problems, junior middle school students generally have thinking obstacles. How to solve the problem of junior high school students in the process of solving biological problems is not only a big problem that educational researchers pay attention to, but also a problem that biology teachers are eager to explore and solve. What are the factors that cause the obstacle of thinking in the process of solving biological problems? How does the thinking obstacle affect the thinking process of the excellent students and the students with learning difficulties? How to adopt effective strategies to transform students' thinking barriers in the process of solving biological problems? It is the three problems to be solved in this paper. In this paper, the methods of literature, investigation, error analysis and oral report are used to explore the thinking process of solving biological problems among junior middle school students. According to the theory of thinking structure, the influencing factors of thinking obstacles in the process of solving problems of junior high school students are classified into the following six aspects: (1) goal obstacles, (2) thinking obstacles caused by lack of knowledge and experience; (3) thinking obstacle caused by low cognitive structuring degree; (4) thinking obstacle caused by thinking quality defect; (5) thinking obstacle caused by low metacognitive ability; (6) thinking obstacle caused by emotion factor. Through preliminary exploration and analysis, it is proved that these six factors have different degrees of influence on the formation of thinking obstacles in solving biological problems of students. The analysis of oral report shows that there are obvious differences in the process of problem solving between the excellent students and the students with learning difficulties. It is concluded that there are some thinking obstacles in the process of solving biological problems, which are not caused by a single factor, but are the result of the interaction of various factors. Finally, aiming at the influence factors of thinking obstacle, the paper puts forward the transformation strategy of thinking obstacle: paying attention to students' emotion, creating a relaxed and democratic teaching environment, paying attention to the guidance of study method, cultivating scientific thinking method; Pay attention to concept teaching and construct good knowledge structure.
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