[Abstract]:The important breakthrough of the new curriculum reform is to change the traditional teaching methods of teachers and the inherent learning methods of students, and the students' change from passive learning to active inquiry learning. How can these changes be facilitated? Many educators have done a lot of work in practice and theory. Based on the new curriculum concept of "student-oriented" and guided by constructivist learning theory, Mahmutov's problem teaching theory and metacognitive learning theory, this paper takes the module of "Chemistry and Life" as the research object. Based on the previous research results, this paper preliminarily explores the teaching mode of situation-problem-inquiry. The author defines the meaning of the "situation-problem-inquiry" teaching model through literature search and reference, and analyzes the relevant characteristics of the teaching model: taking the situation as the breakthrough point, taking the chemical problem as the core, and analyzing the relevant characteristics of the teaching model, taking the situation as the breakthrough point and the chemical problem as the core. To explore learning as a way to cognitive meaning construction as the purpose. According to the teaching practice of chemistry compulsory students, the teaching procedure of this teaching mode is revised constantly, and the corresponding teaching strategies are found out. According to the teaching strategy, a semester of teaching research practice was carried out. The results show that the "situation-problem-inquiry" teaching model can improve students' interest and achievement in chemistry learning, change their learning style, cultivate their thinking ability and inquiry ability, and thus improve their scientific literacy. Lay the foundation for the sustainable development of students.
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