[Abstract]:Now, the new curriculum reform has been carried out for more than ten years, many deep-seated stubborn diseases, chronic diseases gradually surfacing, compared with the past, the problem seems more acute, complex, difficult to control. However, after more than ten years of curriculum reform, the reality we face is not optimistic, teaching methods still have no substantial changes, students' learning style, learning habits, learning interest is generally low. The teaching idea and teaching method are in urgent need of reform. The application of "learning community" in teaching field is mainly to change the traditional teaching methods. Under the educational concept of communication, cooperation and sharing, the common progress of all students is pursued. The goal is not only to improve students' academic achievement and knowledge, but also to improve their skills, which are difficult to quantify, such as learning habits, communication skills, teamwork, etc. Multiple intelligences and other aspects of progress and development. Learning community is a new type of teaching organization when knowledge and learning view change. Learning communities can take groups as a community, classes as a community, schools as a community, students, teachers, administrators, and more connected communities, including families, communities, and even countries and even the world as a whole. The organizational forms of the learning community are varied, but no matter how their organizational forms change, their common characteristics are the common learning vision, the cultural atmosphere of cooperation, the spirit of mutual help and the idea of sharing and advancing together. In teaching practice, the key is how to apply the concept of "learning community" to the teaching process. The key in class is the teachers and students, the dialogue between students and students, the communication, the reference, the sharing, completes the teaching efficiently in the cooperation interaction, enhances the student's knowledge and the ability level; After class, it is mainly to strengthen the communication between teachers and students, between students and to create diverse community learning methods, and to promote the students' cooperative learning in a variety of ways so as to promote the progress and development of individuals. The concept of learning community, which has existed for many years, should take root and blossom in our schools, in the classroom, and as a result, it means that our students' rights to participate, explore, and share in the learning process are valued. It means that students as "people" the real existence of this subject, means the growth of students' physical and mental health!
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