[Abstract]:The concept of "the replacement of the modern French regime and the establishment of the Republican system" covers the period from the French Revolution to the formal establishment of parliamentary democracy in the third Republic of France. The time was from 1789 to 1879. Over the past 90 years, the French nation has experienced twists and turns, from absolute monarchy to parliamentary democracy, and finally established a capitalist republic different from the United Kingdom and the United States. This is a democratic power led by the central government established in the real sense of the world and an example of the revolution and the pursuit of democracy in the later countries of the old continent. Both positive and negative elements were born in the process of the establishment of the French republic system, which had a great influence on the later world. The research on "the replacement of French modern political system and the establishment of the republic system" has been very mature in the history circle of our country, but unfortunately it has not been fully reflected in the history teaching of senior high school at the present stage. In this paper, the author analyzes the problems existing in the teaching materials of senior high school through the investigation of the curriculum, knowledge and teaching research related to "the replacement of the French modern political system and the establishment of the republic system" in the teaching materials of senior high schools. Through in-depth analysis of the causes of frequent replacement of French modern political system, as well as the reasons and significance of the establishment of the final Republican system, this paper probes into the education and teaching problems related to these contents, and puts forward some suggestions on how to improve the optimization of teaching. The paper includes introduction, text, reference and appendix four parts. The main body is divided into four chapters. The first chapter combines the problems existing in the teaching of "the alternation of French modern polity and the establishment of Republican system", and probes deeply into the historical root of the succession of French modern polity-the deep-rooted tradition of monarchy. The second chapter analyzes the realistic reasons of the change of government system in France, and the third chapter is the suggestion to the related education and teaching. Finally, the author makes the concrete teaching design and perfect teaching in the appendix part.
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